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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. honest question : how does " Ignorance is bliss " work when not all golds cheat but that person thinks otherwise. my mind veered off to something so im wondering sorry lol hopefully the IT team can find a solution soon then get some snacks or something.
  2. some become bronze and in rare cases green. its been quite a while since i witnessed green happening though from them being crushed that bad.
  3. not a good idea to not know team mates are being shot at and from what direction....
  4. needs a tweak and it should be ok. I can kill this with a star 556 starter gun so long as i am aware it exists on the opponent huh??
  5. 19 posts but calling people who have been here liars? please stop.
  6. time is money so yes id try to hurry an upgrade as well. most likely a miscommunication happened in transit and the delivery service for the new parts didnt say right away. Merged. CookiePuss does not dethreat , and knowing him , would probably not attack bronzes
  7. didnt we have that many when Little Orbit bought APB
  8. I cant either but there's a handful who admit on the forums they don't play but only log onto the forums. you would think they would at least log into social since its the same thing
  9. Any word on if they have plans to do that ? I hope so.
  10. Little Orbit has posted about this coming since forever and updated it regularly. It's not their fault if you don't read the updates on the forums *shrugs*
  11. if that's not good enough for you when they gave an update 6 hours ago and have to sleep too then nothing will be good enough for you. don't know what else to tell you.
  12. people have to sleep Edit the timestamp says they gave us an update 6 hours ago.
  13. to bad we cant have a new server like a test server or something to goof off on while they work on this. starting from the beginning for everyone and going wild sounds like a fun way to pass the time sure i wouldnt have my guns or cars but it would be a server to goof off on to enjoy some playing time , and it would be an equal field so it sounds fun to me
  14. people need sunlight its good for them and showers some of these people need to bathe badly you'd think that crusty layer on them would be a hint enough to bathe
  15. I'm sorry....what? Are you serious? No really. Are you serious?
  16. true since you have to be able to send commands to the game for it to do the commands Back when Colby existed , it was major lag (probably DDoS attacks) and we watched the botters get owned by bronzes and greens ROFL good times watching them rage from that
  17. It's nice to see someone else whos grateful for their hard work.
  18. if they took the time to give a play by play like a sports game then nothing could get done. this isnt g1 genius lol
  19. your philosophy is weird...... mine is pie its tastier
  20. Hit boxes definitely need to be addressed sometime soon after the upgrade. some fixes to missions and placement would help too. graphics being improved here and there over time would help since most people like looking at nice things. (no need to try to do it all at once that's a big thing to do) phasing , matchmaking ,and threat of course. new mission types , new events , a proper achievement setup was mentioned recently on a different thread. so many things really. plus people complain about anything so I'm sure these are only some of things people would complain about. ...... I mean look at Socks.... lol
  21. when there is news they will post it here when there is time to.
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