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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. sigh maybe i wanted to do reverse psychology to get you to talk to everyone more...
  2. don't want to talk about it? OK I wont pry and bother you. if you change your mind though I'd like to hear your input.
  3. what if we make not optimal person size = move slower design then. kinda like real life. what do you think? iono I'm just asking.
  4. needs a breakable phone box to replace. havent had this happen and havent heard anything so iono havent had this happen and havent heard anything so iono car freaked out from physics engine ? but yeah needs a fix already scheduled to be worked on Little Orbit mentioned they will be working on this. i believe they may need the engine upgrade to fix this properly. not sure but these may be the same bug havent had this happen and havent heard anything so iono havent had this happen and havent heard anything so iono havent had this happen and havent heard anything so iono APB has always had lag issues from not being optimized plus Little Orbit is currently working on networking.
  5. out of curiosity do you know the new specs for them?
  6. probably but anyone can get distracted and forget an important detail. we are only human. I'm just thinking " just in case"
  7. i remember trouble with the radar tower before with G1 a year or two before Little Orbit. do you remember anything? it might help point them how to fix it. fix one thing break two....sigh
  8. who what when where why and how needs to be sent to support or at least as much info as you can. they need to know by a support ticket because the forums cant do anything directly but the support team can also if you record and send a clip in it can help as well. how to record on xbox one : https://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/console/capture-game-clips-and-screenshots
  9. you're on the wrong thread for that.... please keep it on topic thank you for the quick response
  10. because switching to a better anti cheat is nothing good? because we should do a pointless hardware I.D. ban even though it can be changed in under 5 minutes by a cheater/hacker/ and only waste time and money resources on something that does nothing but waste our time? because there must be something that can be done with limited resources , regardless that the extra suggestions you gave have been proven to be a waste for over a year now , but no it must be Little Orbit's fault.... sure....lets to with all of that. *facepalm*
  11. It wasn't just last gen but also now for the same reasons. How would APB be any different though? it's susceptible as well.
  12. Fortune Runner


    no server merge scheduled that anyone is aware of so where did this come from? Edit : are you referring to the global networking?
  13. Fortune Runner


    ok fine ill bite.... so EVERY last person who launches through steam ( the old launcher) MUST be cheating?
  14. Fortune Runner


    either prove that CookiePuss is cheating or stop the hackusations and slander. fyi , if i can kill CookiePuss and you cant then its because you suck , and not that "everyone else cheats" git gud Theres a few closet cheaters on apb , but for the most part there's not anywhere near as many as people claim. I get accused of cheating for blowing people up by killing the car next to them..... some even accuse others of cheating for running them over with a car.... sigh i want Christmas cookies to nom nom on Edit : https://www.allrecipes.com/recipes/841/holidays-and-events/christmas/desserts/christmas-cookies/ so far i found these Edit 2 : https://www.tasteofhome.com/collection/our-best-christmas-cookie-recipes/ forgot to add thse
  15. most games do not allow this apb included gta 5 was an exception but they too stopped doing this.
  16. did you trick someone into selling it to you? did you trick someone into buying it from you? no? then there is no problem.
  17. never said the current flawed system if a child is not disciplined they get spoiled and grow up rotten and the behavior only continues , so how is that bad then for APB?
  18. it is no secret hat the old engine needs to be upgraded , or that anti cheats get outdated from the market changing , or apb needing to be optimized , or anything else. blaming Little Orbit for what they did not program is not fair. if Little Orbit makes a mistake they have always taken responsibility for it. good or bad on their decisions does not = its little orbits fault for golds in bronze or the anti cheats becoming outdated from how the world keeps changing.
  19. If you tk or suicide 5 times you get kicked I wouldn't mind a 3 strike rule on this , if the rule affected a few hours time span and had a punishment that fit anyone can relog , so it wouldnt be enough to just kick
  20. its what has been seen. theres been a few on the forums who intentionally do it , but only a handful.
  21. if you buy it yourself yes if you buy it from someone else in the marketplace then no just in case you or others do not know
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