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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. im only saying to poke around in case it was used to fund a still functioning company stealing to build a foundation they have now is still liability. but we both agree not to waste money. just poke around and see if anything worth seeking out is found and if not bury the hatchet.
  2. crims can go N5 easily and make bank faster enforcers make money by arrests.
  3. trace the videos and game names back to the owners of that then take it from them. might get enough money from being wronged or maybe a good enough game to make a profit from. doubtful but never know
  4. you should check it today. ping and lag seem to be less. hope for you too
  5. I don't think they lost their underwear in the luggage with the equipment. imagine being on Jericho and getting 80 to 140 before this. It actually went down for some of us. Now if there wernt lag spikes.
  6. on NA roughly 2 to 3 weeks ago half of bronze district was gold. its never a good thing to put golds against bronzes now its happening more than before. you wont lose just dethreaters you would lose everyone without a proper matchmaking threat and phasing you cant do it half way and expect good results it just wont work.
  7. the dethreaters were not as good as the golds who stayed in silver district. now you have those golds in silver district forced to play noobs as well as the dethreaters. its not better for the new people to have even more golds against them than before.
  8. They did anyways just not as much. before they were not hackusating nonstop but now theyre raging so theyre louder , but they always did hackusate the whole server lol
  9. In a way RLCraft on minecraft fits into an alternative.
  10. but was it always that way? regardless the game owner has the right to make changes. its in the agreement.
  11. neither. I want the phasing matchmaking and threat system that Little Orbit talked about before. I refuse to coerce the people into something not as good as what is planned.
  12. well it is the one time of year that is known for it. Little Orbit has nothing to do with the past before they were here and they are currently working on it now as per what SPCT has said.
  13. I was thinking that as well. It seems like even though we get warnings in advance certain people lash out comparing G1 to Little Orbit. G1 had plenty of opportunity to not make APB the mess it is that Little Orbit is cleaning up.
  14. so you are getting carried and happy about it?
  15. Doesnt the sale stack onto the premium?
  16. thats already been posted by Solamente. Witch hunts do not benefit us.
  17. The only people i see use remote detonator n a regular basis in the bronze district , would be the golds who detrheat and/or the 255's who are over powered compared to others there and want easy kills. The rest of the silvers just kiss kiss bang bang like the rest there in that district. I hope this balance adjustment is good for it. Lets go find out shall we
  18. the problem with that logic is witch hunts cause toxicity and when certain people have a reputation for hackusating anyone under the sun , it feeds into that toxicity as well to create a witch hunt. a never ending cycle.
  19. if " map location = race track " then that would be awesome. an edited map put in should work. gta does tons of that.
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