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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. dont you give up on me was it you or one of the others who said on a different thread that they gave up on themselves? btw I checked to confirm yes BattleEye detects AHK macros
  2. There must be evidence provided or it is only an opinion so no Little Orbit would not ban just because someone claims someone else cheats. It would however get replies from the community of "git gud" to the accusers with no evidence
  3. If I remember correctly Battleeye detects AHK which is a macro.
  4. I would honestly prefer a slow speed like we already have but an option of a faster speed like some games have implemented basically its setup with certain key presses to toggle slow or fast speed. the last thing anyone needs is to move too fast out of cover when peeking around a corner or moving too slow from cover to cover which is why I believe two different speeds for crouching would benefit game play. There's a jog feature and a sprint feature already and having it setup this way for crouching would benefit us however this would have to be after the engine update for what I am referring to because of suspicion of changing too much coding to upgrade fast and efficient to the new engines otherwise
  5. Wich is why they dont even ban ppl that really do macro. There is no evidence to support your claim that Little Orbit does nothing to macro users especially with how BattleEye detects many things used for cheating. No one single cheat method is fool proof however which is why Little Orbit has been looking into multiple means of anti cheat and implementing them as MattScott already posted.
  6. Instead of a band aid like this which does help somewhat Little Orbit is already looking into fixing the threat or even a complete rework on this and other core parts of APB It will take some time for them to fix things from the spaghetti coding APB has. I believe this was mentioned in the recent road map post MattScott made If not then I know it was mentioned by Little Orbit somewhere.
  7. If I remember correctly G1 mentioned in the past something about doing this after the engine upgrade (that they never did) and how the current coding wasn't programmed correctly for it obviously and something about coding space etc. Perhaps Little Orbit will have time on this soon..... hopefully very soon since so many of us would prefer this out of privacy issues.
  8. After the dust settles on upgrading I'd love if they added bats and other melee attacking other than just a blowtorch I really want to beat the crud out of our clan leaders pioneer for always running me over Jerk tailgates me way too much or just flat out expects team members to move so he can drive XD
  9. I've done this in the past it's good info for those having trouble to try.
  10. In the district chats there were quite a few who did the opposite of you , that they did forgive the cheaters who learned their lesson and moved on from holding grudges There's also a thread started by one who admitted to it and apologized It's just a difference of opinions I guess
  11. this sums it up.. since BattleEye I have not seen or heard of cheaters in Jericho
  12. I remember legendary weapons being so high that normal people had ZERO chance of buying anything yeah um no thanks don't like the old ways that they mentioned - you two seem to get it
  13. thats not how they worded it and even then id still say no that many of us do not want to take away content I have bee nstuck with 1 on 1 vip from people bailing on the missions and even then I would not want to change my answer - better to make a party with friends than to lose content and get bored easier
  14. team death match falls under that as well the only things left then would be capture points and capturing the item possession as well as capturing the armored van we would all get bored extremely fast with a lot less content its a bad idea so no I disagree with removing them over a free " wall hack "
  15. anyone else can go read what I said.... I said that last day was unplayable and the rest of the time you said was unplayable we had full districts who kept playing then you went on saying its all Little Orbits fault even as anyone else said its a different company but as you were focused on me this whole time i doubt you even paid any attention at all since you still cant quote me properly lol AND YET ONCE AGAIN this is not G1 it is Little Orbit and you are projecting your malice to others unfairly which is your responsibility and yours alone. don't like that i wont lie for you being a yes man? too bad. a few of us posted on this thread but you seem fixated on me because i wont lie for you. little Orbit has not done anything to deserve such treatment from you and you know it. even today there is a sale for 50% off armas along with a g1c adjustment to 100 g1c instead of 80 plus 6 days free premium THEY WERE NEVER OBLIGATED FOR THIS - they did it out of kindness and loyalty toward us anyone can look at the dev stream and notice they care and you still need to upgrade from a potato since you keep insisting it was unplayable for you for a long time even though so many of us kept playing until that last day when it was unplayable
  16. wow a translator nice thanks
  17. I'm glad Little Orbit has bans on silent as well as we do not have to report ourselves It made us all focus on the negativity in the past and lately its become more pleasant and civil (mostly) out there in the districts
  18. One gold I had trouble with before in the past is bronze now and gets owned by most people go figure
  19. I never said that it lagged one day I said upgrade from a potato we were on and that last day was unplayable nice that you try speaking for me saying I said this and that yet anyone can read what I typed... AND YET ONCE AGAIN this is not G1 it is Little Orbit and you are projecting your malice to others unfairly which is your responsibility and yours alone. don't like that i wont lie for you being a yes man? too bad. a few of us posted on this thread but you seem fixated on me because I wont lie for you. Little Orbit has not done anything to deserve such treatment from you and you know it. even today there is a sale for 50% off armas along with a g1c adjustment to 100 g1c instead of 80 plus 6 days free premium THEY WERE NEVER OBLIGATED FOR THIS - they did it out of kindness and loyalty toward us anyone can look at the dev stream and notice they care and your English still sucks
  20. cant use a product? I don't run a potato so no i didn't have bad rubberbanding until the last day. never said there wasn't any go re-read what i said. waterfront and financial were full so no idea why you said you couldn't play when we were on. I've already said i was here back then sigh ONCE AGAIN this is not G1 it is Little Orbit and you are projecting your malice to others unfairly which is your responsibility and yours alone. don't like that i wont lie for you being a yes man? too bad. a few of us posted on this thread but you seem fixated on me because i wont lie for you. little Orbit has not done anything to deserve such treatment from you and you know it. even today there is a sale for 50% off armas along with a g1c adjustment to 100 g1c instead of 80 plus 6 days free premium THEY WERE NEVER OBLIGATED FOR THIS - they did it out of kindness and loyalty toward us anyone can look at the dev stream and notice they care
  21. Lastly, during the Q&A I mentioned that I wanted to adjust the pricing in ARMAS. So this event is just the beginning, and I want to be 100% transparent about what is going to happen once it is over. he already mentioned this is just the start they need time to learn more since its complicatd
  22. Is English your native language because that is a bit difficult to read some of that but from what i can make out wow you are seriously deluded.... it was never the way you described it. there was packet loss back then and there is now. and back then the servers went down a lot in some cases overnight and a large amount of the next day scammed? uh no its not a scam to buy an OFFICIAL PRODUCT .... it supports the game and pays the bills so it stays here. and I've been on daily if you can't play in this i recommend upgrading from a potato.... like now ....seriously upgrade from a potato...it sucks to use it only one day was unplayable in that lag and Matt already posted about it also take the hint from all of us...... THIS ISN'T G1 so stop blaming Little Orbit for stuff that happened from G1's devs as for saying what seems to be an attempted quote from Matt unbanning an individual player i have seen no evidence to support what you claim as for the mass unbannings of possible unfair bans G1 did not have it set up right to where legit people were banned and some they couldn't tell properly so Little Orbit was fair and unbanned to give some a second chance and others a fair chance since there were many flags that were not legit against players just as Little orbit already stated Little Orbit has been open while you are seriously coming off as toxic troll
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