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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. A few of us were on a different thread talking about free trial guns and it came to me , that as a community , we don't really talk about ideas for a better free trial gun setup. Mattscott posted this on a different thread "We are looking into ways to help players trial weapons without opening up exploits." We know it could benefit new players so that they transition to APB easier when we suggest a gun to them. The problem is the current way doesn't always work out and then they don't remember what gun. It came to me that at least one way would be a testing area for new players to try any gun in there that way it is not exploited in game. However brainstorming with the community might be more beneficial to have better and more refined ideas so I came to ask for help on this. I think its a good idea for us community members to try to help Little Orbit with ideas for this so I came to you guys. I put this in this section intentionally since this is not an idea pitch but rather asking for any ideas in general and how to make it non exploitable for Little Orbit
  2. If Australia lost its beer I don't know what they would do.
  3. Assuming APB coding get updated and changed soon it should make today's problems obsolete (should does not mean it will though) At least until a new way to cheat is made. Typical process is cheats are made and then anti cheat updates to stop it then cheats are made anew and anti cheat is then made to stop it again...over and over We are apparently on the dark side of that rotation so I'll just ride it out. Not the victims fault what criminals do after all *shrugs*
  4. I would rather throw out crosshair color completely than make it chaotic like this. No thanks I'll pass.
  5. I'll help with the public testing. I mean its not like any of us have anything better to do lol
  6. Never seen that bug happen to me before in all these years *shrugs*
  7. not if you lick your fingers first didn't want to waste it all on a napkin
  8. too busy eating bbq ribs to give a $%& lol edit : really was eating ribs too lol
  9. old bloom washed out in olive oil? yeah it was. old nightlife looking more alive and colorful ? yeah it did. hoping for something in between? yeah I do and i bet a lot of others do as well.
  10. *walks in* *sees sausage fest epeens* *Walks away shaking head*
  11. Fortune Runner


    yeah pretty much this ^^^
  12. actually there really is a lot less hackusating *shrugs* still some but theres less
  13. Fortune Runner


    yeah i know. my point was at least we can point them to what we see which is at least a little better
  14. Fortune Runner


    theres a comment section when you report to give them an idea of what happened and what to look for now.
  15. Fortune Runner


    .......... so if a pro can do it then its worthless even though most cant ? uh no. I and many others love keeping most out rather than none at all
  16. ^^ this my own personal annoyance is theres armored money vans but no taco trucks all these job construction sites and no tacos.... I mean same model different color and texture and less armor and poof taco truck.
  17. Fortune Runner


    shamed isnt the right word for it. Money for the manpower to currently implement Little Orbit GM's 24/7 is just not available. If it was available I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. its programming. there will always be someone who can do that and then Battleeye will solve that , and on and on. plus no anti cheat is 100 percent effective and currently there isnt anything better than BattleEye
  18. Fortune Runner


    we just had new players join *shrugs* and added something else - MattScott said it
  19. someone said they have around 11 characters or more. In this manner buying these packs for each individual char adds up quick armas prices in itself I don't have an opinion on at this time. 11 chars having to buy the same pack is a bit much cash wise though which is what i was referring to. definitely need an account bound option and I know id be buying them but not as it is right now it would cost me too much money.
  20. 1. wow....... any gun can be countered by any other gun with a proper strategy , skill to do so , and the dumb luck of avoiding the troller in the dump truck. Damn that guy is annoying.... 2. being naked makes no sense to me..... unlocking clothes is by contacts or special events like Halloween (its a wizard hat) 3. tutorial absolutely needs to be done differently so yes its not noob friendly. 4. for a cops vs crim game I do not know how to give more missions currently with what we currently have so *shrugs*
  21. Pretty much what VickyFox already said.
  22. In the future yes , but I wouldn't recommend it for anytime soon given the major fixes to APB needed first like matchmaking and threat , or how some missions are just built wrong. Looking nice would only get us so far before people left again if the major problems are not fixed first. But yes better graphics are needed.
  23. its basically the same thing anyways and would be beneficial to not have to redesign an S-class designed car all over again *shrugs* I'm for it.
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