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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I distinctly remember unbinding the key because of how I kept killing clan members with it. I know better than to call people liars so I went to check So I hopped on APB and rebound the key and it did not work so I came to apologize to everyone. I'm an honest person so I came asap to clear this up. How did I do it before? I don't know for sure other than a bug that allowed it somehow. I'll admit when I know I'm wrong and I am. My apologies. just so you can find it don't want you missing this cake day too
  2. Fortune Runner

    Armas Weapons

    i dont know the first post make sit sound to me like he wants the contact ones in armas. all either of us can do is guess until he says *shrugs*
  3. xbox? ps4 ? pc on jericho or citadel? edit : btw might be a DDos attack
  4. Fortune Runner

    Armas Weapons

    didnt know there was a jt one good to know thanks but technically that's a workaround to get better osmaw and opgl's rather than the ones from the contact *shrugs* wasnt that what op meant?
  5. Fortune Runner

    Armas Weapons

    do tell? I don't remember anything about that. *sits and listens to teacher*
  6. Fortune Runner

    Armas Weapons

    volcano and isnt given by contact though osmaw and opgl are on both factions *shrugs*
  7. hitboxes are technically a separate issue. Wanting customization for new 4x4 and extra kits for new 4x4 as well as existing cars would add customization and new fun to APB that we need. Don't forget no one is saying right this second either. Programming takes time and there's more important stuff to do first like matchmaking and threat but this would be nice to be considered for the future
  8. Fortune Runner

    Armas Weapons

    ...........what? I buy armas to buy armas As for putting stuff unlockable on armas? It would break the contact and its rewards wouldn't it? No thank you.
  9. That has nothing to do with how it is possible with apb's keybindings and how the statement I replied to implies it is not possible.
  10. options - camera - look behind its a bindable key to do that
  11. here's an example for you. an analogy if you will. so criminals try to break in a store. doors are pointless if they can be broken into so remove them and get an older door that works less than the one we have. yeah no thanks ill stick with the better door.....and get a good watchdog for inside the store. Btw MattScott already said they have other stuff server side as well , a "watchdog"
  12. I keep hearing from certain people how BattleEye sucks worse than Fairfight yet not one had a better solution in months now. Fairfight failed miserably and many innocent people were banned. This thread is about wanting to go back to that? A good enough analogy would be to burn yourself on the stove again because stove mits are too slow for you? No thanks little Orbit is doing the best they can with what they have available and its better than the past. Whether it is admitted or not is another story.
  13. If it was account bound I would of been buying some of these But at those prices for the bundles and for each new character is just not possible for most people
  14. over my head..... I think I'm too short to catch it. so what did I miss?
  15. Remember : the way some of you are saying to ban can and will be used against you , so is it really so bad now then? Little Orbit is making sure that bans they do are legit and not shady like G1 did , which is a good thing. And MattScott said himself they are in fact banning they just are not naming and shaming because it causes toxic behavior which after a few months of doing things this way has worked to make APB more pleasant to play.
  16. we should all get together and start doing this for the luls would make a good comedy video for apb
  17. I can dodge them in the street while watching them come. Particles and stuff are good for me with my graphics card with high settings. Doesn't mean I dodge 100 percent of course but its possible for me to. It's the only reason I can think of that I don't panic against them since I can see them coming *shrugs*
  18. Stun opgl in the open is usually easy to dodge Unless you have low settings on your computer then you can see it coming just like a lethal opgl shot And if you absolutely need low settings on APB to play you really should upgrade your computer parts.
  19. you and me both don't need that stress I do ok with it and can counter ok when I am aware of it. I guess others just need to "train more" against it. experience tends to make everything better
  20. you held it for 3 missions? wow hope you had enough toilet paper for all that. Missions + that would drive me nuts props cookie I don't find shotguns that bad to suggest a rework after what just happened with balancing , but down the road if it can be done properly then I guess why not. just an opinion.
  21. listening to yourself is normally good however it doesn't count in this case
  22. From looking over this thread again and again , it looks like its only meant to lash out for not being allowed to do anything they want more so than to have an attempt at a meaningful discussion at all. BTW what word is worse than toxic? Because this thread seems like it , whatever it is. So yeah I think we need to wrap this one up and close it. Hopefully they do close it.
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