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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. why do i see you in bronze district all the time then?
  2. this was not a false ban wave..... My apologies as well then. Normally when someone comments in that style of talking on a quote of one of my posts , it's meant at me directly so I was defensive there's a separate team working on fallen earth but theres a lot of program parts of fallen earth that has to be done from scratch so its taking longer. ^^^^ THIS ( ty cookie )
  3. forums way to say to be a gentleman?
  4. Fortune Runner

    Cops stunning

    ..... ............ This type of thread again? Please use search especially when its in the same week as the other thread with the same topic
  5. if i get any calmer ill fall asleep does it sound bad? Edit : told you I'd fall asleep if i was any calmer....
  6. Thread title : What if false bans never got solved? Made me wonder if this thread is saying like the other thread that we just had false bans. If that is the case the only true answer I see that I could accept is what CookiePuss said. If this is only intended as a what if thread then I do not see any good reason to do this. Any claims of a false ban can go through support (although it annoying it is proper protocol). I do not want to speculate on "what If's" since it would only feed the ones who were caught , who are lying through their teeth. For reference and clarity on how I feel about the bans we just had.
  7. There was an exploit as ^^^^^ they ^^^^^ said. I am not certain of the official statement since it has been a while since I seen it. its kinda buried on the forums now.
  8. Ok OK tried to not post this but every time I see this its like being on a diet but with cake on the table in front of you. Life is a lie - The cake is a lie - there is no spoon but the cookies are real so nom nom nom Back on topic : Hope they make bundles account purchasable. It gets too expensive after a while for people who have a lot of chars to have to buy it each time to look nice with the price for the bundles .
  9. Best course of action is group up with other players so that the odds of you getting him are significantly reduced. Some griefers get bored and stop griefing when they dont get as many missions because of this strategy.
  10. Not anyone's fault you get bored within days of saying you're back yet again *shrugs* Go practice stunt driving its a lost art on APB lately. Go practice training newer-ish people and hopefully not be a wet sock when you do. Go practice playing without a HUD to make it extreme mode gameplay. But please ...... seriously please... no more groan threads
  11. Did I EVER say the ones who admittedly know should get away with it? Was my post anything to do with how I would not know? You ignored the valid points I have to say to punish people (as well as worded it in a way to accuse me gee thanks).
  12. #ThreatIsFine hows that? Its on the roadmap to being fixed no idea when though. they have their hands full
  13. only if there's false positives and inaccurate information for bans
  14. So tell me then wise one.... How would I know if they cheat or not ? You completely missed why I said what I said. I would "purposely" group up with friends any chance I get. It's what makes APB even more fun. That doesn't mean I know if someone cheats or not. And even if you said they do how do I know if you are right or not? We just had a thread started by a guy who (as banned reminded us) has hackusated over being run over by a car. You are saying (intentionally or not) I should be punished for grouping with new friends on APB that I made This could also be happening to you mind you. Which means someone cheats then to punish people just because they exist in a group to have fun on APB? Witch hunts are a real bad thing. To punish people like this there is no balance , no fairness with that at all. So because of a desire for fairness I would suggest sticking to current policy of gathering evidence and letting BattleEye and Little Orbit doing their jobs instead of changing it to a witch hunt He asked if we could ban groups and this ^^^ is why I always say no to that.
  15. When they make bundles account purchasable I know I would start buying them.
  16. That looks like fun I'd try that now and then
  17. Since you do believe they are aimbotters use /report then their names and Little Orbit will check on this for you. However gold in bronze does not equal aimbotter Its a possibility there are still cheaters but you also said max ranks which means they know how to play. I'm sorry but I cant take you seriously being able to tell the difference on who cheats and who doesn't. You honestly sound like someone who got destroyed by someone better than you and then hackusated for it. Regardless of my personal opinion , please use /report in game.
  18. It makes me cringe thinking about what stress they may have to go through with that. There were certain posters who made extremely impossible accusations that they themselves discredited. that's when we expect zombie to do their job and post that. Like yes literally zombies job since the community assigned it to zombie for some reason Anyways for those who were saying to just "ban them now" in those posts , they can not come back with that cheat and there is substantial evidence to support it. This is why many of us were saying no anti cheat is 100 percent and to be patient because it was a matter of time before it happened. And it happened a lot faster than the ones posting gave credit for including us who said to be patient. I am sad to see people banned as I am not the type of person who likes to wish bad things to happen to people However when a person does something intentionally that they know is wrong it can not be excused or it would allow and justify it instead. Accountability must be made in such a case. I hope they learn from this and reform themselves to being better people as some have done.
  19. It would drive me insane APB players live to customize even if it is casually
  20. Don't forget G1 did a cash grab on us and the surviving players would not survive a round 2 of that intent. Too many of us barely stayed just before Little Orbit bought us It was extremely vocal on the old forums about this
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