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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. I agree with AlishaAzure1stProfile that the Fresno needs a few kits as well and also deserves it the most due to time waiting sort of thing. As for which ones would be a 4x4 our imaginations are the limit really. we already do it in real life so why not? This would give us some fun new content and let us customize more as well which is what most of APB players will like to do
  2. I asked because that is how it came off to a few of us. I see nowhere that says this is true
  3. Even I have done in the 40s before so I must be a cheater because you and OP say so? Seriously wth ..... Am I misunderstanding? Is that the logic of this thread to say BattleEye does not work because I must be a cheater because it is possible to get 40 kills ???
  4. So who thinks we should wrap this thread up then? Personally I do but what do you all think?
  5. I should of worded that differently then When I mentioned "some kits" I meant for any car There's people who come on to customize cars just as much as others customize characters or their clothes but not enough kits for any of the cars from what I can tell.
  6. oh yeah I forgot those objectives do that its been so long that I had forgotten what they look like when sprayed thanks
  7. I hope gun balancing is after matchmaking and threat so that new players that we have now can get better matches no idea where new players came from but hello new players
  8. there used to be free trials however there is a rumor that people were only using the free trials to get better temp weapons rather than serious consideration citation needed since its only hearsay
  9. missed this post DONT WANT TO KNOW oh dear lord no
  10. What the heck happened on this thread I'm at a loss after the previous page
  11. MattScott made a post saying how there were difficulties larger than they expected and that they are working on this. unknown ETA
  12. in that vid where did rainbow smoke come from???
  13. It was mentioned that when they attempted to do so some bug discrepancies occurred that they could not solve at this time so balancing was reverted until more experience is acquired Other things were mentioned but I can not recall factual information at this time.
  14. Lixil wants to ban me though I was trying to reach in the cookie jar to see what homemade cookies are in there Edit : 2 warnings for me
  15. A silver is not a bad player they just are not the best player. If you want players you make a game more balanced and rounded for all around otherwise people leave As for the "burger king" comment ....... go to the library and look up news around 2000 to 2004 ..... fast food worker made a good investment and became a millionaire from it No idea how they did with the money afterwards though - some cant save and balance finances for squat Edit : there's plenty of other examples coming up on google a well
  16. Sorry but we seen for years how well this idea of yours worked.....it didn't. *shrugs* If you can't detect cheaters for evidence then "false ban claims" would just skyrocket from cheaters even more so just as it did in the past when there was no substantial valid evidence.
  17. dont forget the current SPCT are not all golds either which makes a wide range of opinions for better APB this way.
  18. Whether it is a Vegas 4x4 or a new style 4x4 altogether , it would be a nice addition to have some new 4x4s and some kits for them on ARMAS. The server doesn't run for free which is why I'm suggesting ARMAS , and I'm sure that later on some other non ARMAS versions can be done. Non ARMAS kit parts can go to a new contact for instance. New content like this would add to APB and make it more fun so I really don't see any cons to this. Edit : To clarify I do not mean to do this right after the engine upgrade. Matchmaking , threat , hitboxes , and other critical fixes MUST come first. This is merely ideas for the future and how they can benefit us.
  19. lol as soon as i seen your post on the other thread I knew you were up to something
  20. That happens to me when my computer gets overloaded from the cashe If I switch districts a lot this happens to me for some reason. I shut down APB and clear my cashe and it doesn't happen to me afterwards It does not mean it is the same problem for you I am only sharing what I have to do for me in hopes it can help you.
  21. I do not like this. feels like a cheat code to skip content sort of thing
  22. The only way I can see a valid cause for this is if there is hair physics and other such things added as well at the same time. it's not oversexulizing if it is balanced like this to where it just looks and feels more real for immersion purposes
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