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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. this happened before from a bug.....it went bad for crims.....really really bad crims cant arrest and they coudlnt kill with an LTL because LTL stuns so enf always won No thank you we dont need that nightmare back
  2. around 2015 was cash grabbing and rage bannings among other things. this is what I thought he meant as well although I do not believe the community is that bad (not good but not that bad)
  3. when its that bad i always switch out arrests mean nothing if you cant get arrests so switch out and use it when its more appropriate *shrugs*
  4. Are you the one who used to kill me on Jericho for using LTL ? lol I would love being able to at least punch someone if i run out of ammo wouldnt care if crim got to use brass knuckles for a little extra damage since we have LTL
  5. worst state you have ever seen? have you been playing all these years? ive seen worse easily while g1 was owners
  6. there were a few crying on Jericho in financial back in the day for intentionally doing it. they were annoying so I ignored their convo in district chat. mod was too? well we all know G1 had double standards. so glad we have Little Orbit now as for restroom during missions , tell that to any teenager who just simply gets up to go lol *shrugs* I'm basically talking hypothetically so that things are fair on the restroom part. I mean you never really know whats going on in someone elses room
  7. yeah great another quack doctor.... no thanks anyways you know theres always going to be that day somewhere when you just cant hold it an hour and no i never said me to begin with lol
  8. say that when you have one of those missions that take an hour lol
  9. there is a report option for griefing did you make sure to use that? plus its possible that they may be dethreating which is why recording videos of people being a problem is so important also in the past some received 3 day bans under G1 and after a while the ones who were doing that started to get bored and stopped doing it as much. they got bored out of their minds from getting so many "time outs" and grew up a little....a little ps i personally dont want to be responsible for banning someone who had to go poo ..... great the poo gm is on we are going to get banned if we poo..... its the poo police..... sigh no ty !!!! id die of embarassment
  10. the new report system is usefull the fairfight one was garbage ps under 300 ms is reasonable for most online games to still be able to be playable like warframe but warframe also has it adjustable as well. kicked is fine just as long as i dont get banned for a bad day
  11. second that as for radar tower if theres a bug still that lets you be seen out of range then it needs to be fixed otherwise just kill it
  12. like i said multiple threads mentioned DDoS some comments were from MattScott recently as well never said that was what i said potato how would i know do i look like one of Little Orbits programmers? lol im only repeating what other threads said
  13. ladies first? *snickers* it can happen if the character becomes locked in district from a disconnect that did not function properly
  14. they suggested using it as a means to ban by checking gameplay i wouldnt want to be banned over a crappy day that isnt my fault thats why I'm asking about details so I dont misunderstand
  15. it was about that suggestion cookie i was asking about details on it
  16. but if i lag and cant hit the braodside of a barn that day then what?
  17. 1 want vote kick (although groups may abuse it unfortunately) 2 want option to leave with penalty of no points (rank or mission etc) or cash earned 3 want option of leaving too many has a auto feature as well to punish those who abuse leaving too much. 4 anything else that can balance this idea (if this idea is even good enough)
  18. So what do you get if a Russian marries a Chinese and has kids? Back on topic : I do not recall that any one said only Russian but I personally did say we should start somewhere so why not both as well as others?
  19. lately its been changed for g1c to where it is simple rather than a mess that g1 had it Little Orbit made it 5 dollars for 500 g1c rather than 5 dollars for 400 g1c So technically prices are cheaper all around.
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