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Everything posted by TheJellyGoo

  1. If the wiser always gives in, the world would be ruled by idiots! Sure, out of context this might seem unreasonably toxic. But context is key.
  2. There will come a time when you have read the same braindead shit so many times knowing that trying to reason will just be met with shut eyes and ears - so why bother?
  3. What a beautiful paradigm of ignorance leading to confidence! Threat is shifting every single match, doesn't mean your color changes every match (volatility excluded to a degree). I'm talking about the system behind the roughly depicted icons. You claiming to be into high-gold territory makes this even worse since it expects you to perform to a certain degree. And yes inflating the threat of weaker players by purposely losing to them is negative. Their threat is designed to provide proper opposition which will lead to bad matchups further on thanks to you. But, nice of you to farm them before letting them win. Also good to know that you only ruin missions "half the time" for other people... are you even comprehending the words you're typing? You need to realize the whole reason why threat even exists. So get down from your high pony and maybe you will see that you're part of the portion that is wrong in this community.
  4. Even if your mates did mistakes think about what you could have done different in the situation to win it. Try to focus on yourself ... also look for similar minded/skilled premates.
  5. Thank you for fucking up threat and thus matchmaking by inflating the elo of worse players. Good intent is pointless if the deed is evil.
  6. It's cancer awareness I like the thought behind it and appreciate LO trying but it's rough having to see these things over and over again when being aware of APBs dark past.
  7. Not sure what your criticism has to do with the point that was illustrated in the update? It's just an example to visualize the current main target of work. Not that difficult to comprehend if someone doesn't just try to blindly hate.
  8. They look like tattoos? Are they just 2D?
  9. He was talking about reports per ticket over support and not the ingame command?
  10. That would be the case if those few left wouldn't be such special needs people that have double digit tickets open.
  11. I think the majority agrees that we do not want random factors like rng bloom in the game.
  12. Because its an update thread that is only supposed to show new posts when there are new updates. Why would I want people trigger the notification with useless chatter...
  13. Being slowed down is one of the worst mechanics in the game. I'd rather they remove it.
  14. Wait... it currently has a similar gimmicky mechanic like the Norseman series but for recoil? Wow that went way past me lol
  15. People that suggest a generalized change don't realize how sensitive overdamage/underdamage is. It would require individual rework on every gun which makes this just not worth it.
  16. It's pretty self-explanatory but since there seems to be a lack of basic understanding let me elaborate. TTK does matter, in fact it matters so much, one could even say it's the single most important factor and this is why: If you're not a complete bot you can just walk away into cover - that's all you have to do since there is SO MUCH TIME. Oh btw. RFP can't even kill in one mag at 60m+so it would take 5.1seconds, under the assumption that you hit 31 bullets out of 33 from 11 bursts, to kill at that distance. U know "easiness"...
  17. Just ban them - lol. What even is the issue here. The numbers we talk about would be an incredible tedious exploit that is easy to spot.
  18. TheJellyGoo

    FBW Reskin When?

    Colby Commander is a RSA reskin
  19. Fair enough. In the end we will probably get something in the middle. Upped rewards and lower cap.
  20. And that will very likely be tweaked in the future. They set a cap so they had a general idea how much they wanted to allow and so far it does not add up.
  21. Yeah, like I said that's pretty much already possible, so?
  22. Taking into consideration that phasing should lead to more equal matchups and more balanced w/l ratios I don't see it as such a huge problem. Exploitable? No different to the current system. Could be sth. like 1-6 when losing and 4-10 when winning because the example from @blackaceRD also leads to negative player experiences.
  23. Not his point. He insinuates that it should generally be more rewarding when winning.
  24. Then just don't get hit. It's just as simple as the first solution.
  25. Why would anyone be hurt by nonsense? To be honest the only one being emotional about it is him as he couldn't bring anything of value to the discussion. LO did mistakes in the past and acknowledged it, that doesn't mean they should stop trying to improve the game. IR changes were majorly met with criticism and reasons as to why they are bad changes. This time the majority is in favor of the changes and those who oppose can't even bring up valid reasons as to why they wouldn't be so there is already a distinctive difference between both cases. Of course there will never be an ultimate balance. It's natural to have a shifting meta it keeps games alive and fresh. It is time to have the N-TEC take a step back. I doubt LO looks at the forum to see what needs changes. They have access to literally 100% of the ingame stats to see what weapons fall out of the norm. As for percussions... ok you hate them. Can you again bring anything of value as to why they need tweaking apart from a subjective opinion? I also hate certain ingame tools, doesn't mean I call for nerfs when they don't need them, huge difference.
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