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About Chinook

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    Free radical

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  1. Chinook

    Headshots in APB?

    There's tons of games with headshots, so why not play those if the actually sensible thing of aiming to center mass is too tacticool for you. With the balance being already questionable for years with certain guns and constant nerf/buff cycles ever continuing and making other guns become meta while others are turned into shit and then everything reversed and reverse-reversed again, what we really need is putting more variables and damage multipliers in to cater those who somehow think that aiming for head instead of center mass should be a thing... Could as well introduce helmets and actual body armor sets then, to take away your ability to look different. It would no longer be APB, it would be some other bland shooter game.
  2. Chinook

    Nerf the Vegas

    Problem isn't vegas being so good, it's the other cars being utterly shite. Drive moirai nose-first into a downhill and try to reverse - oh it won't, better just blow the fucking thing up and die in the blast as situation is already escalated beyond control. Then there are what i'd like to call tank-cars, that can take a lot of beating, but they're as fast as tanks when everyone else is driving supercars. The silly limits (engine?) to top speed makes most of the cars crap, you want good acceleration, good bullet resistance and decent amount of cargo space on most missions, sadly vegas is the only one that has proper acceleration and good bullet resistance, and it's not like the bit slower and bit weaker cars have tons more cargo space either... And with mission types getting more and more narrowed down, soon nobody will need any cargo space during missions anyway...
  3. "Just smile and wave..." Yeah... About that... Be "less competitive" and not even bronze threat seems to help these days, people will badmouth you for not absolutely friggin carrying them. I just have no energy in my life to push myself at my absolute limit no more, so I just rather play for fun and games and try silly things, but even after acheiving bronze threat it seems like everyone just has right to badmouth me so I see no point to even play at this point for most of the time. The shrunken player pool doesn't help, but APB has always been very hostile towards any level of underachieving or incompetence or whatever word you wanna use. And it's just shit to play uncompetitively for shits and giggles these days. Everyone is so fixated on their god-emperor status that they cannot comply if someone isn't at least matching them in K/D.
  4. I may be in the less popular opinion camp, but I just love when a mission goes all the way south and it becomes a fightclub but with the whole district map. I just enjoy the chaos APB is, and the more stale and boring and competitive the meta gets, the less likely I am to log in. And it's been pretty boring and stale for a good while, and if you try using silly weapons (let alone ltl) you'll get badmouthed and yelled at for like good 15 minutes after the mission ended!
  5. Wasn't there crim v crim matchmaking in the olden days? Like Ye Olde Days? I'd still keep the factions, but perharps we should either get third faction in or some other reasons for missions that would enable it in extreme population unbalance, so that there would be something to play instead of it being like 10 v 2 when it comes to whole district pop... Nobody's gonna have a good time, unless the 2 v the world are extremely competent players and enjoy being zerged.
  6. The "doing the obectives and being sneaky" i was kept on gold for the longest of time no longer works. You must be among the top scorers of the winning team and keep repeating that over and over again. And it's silly, the lower i dropped on "threat" the worse the matchups got untill I got to bronze. Then I started to get back the same shit that being gold once offered...
  7. Is it just me, or is anyone else having hard time actually connecting to action districts? I struggled with this for good half an hour yesterday and after re-installing almost the entire game I got in, now I'm once again getting stuck on "Connecting to district server dot dot dot dot dot" phase on loading screen. Guess I need to find really empty district again to get in and hope for the best in terms of population changes...
  8. APB still being APB. One rage-speed-hackbutter, few sus peeps. Wasn't the end of the world. What nearly was end of the night, was people being themselves as usual. Of course I suck, what did you expect? Me stll remembering every quirk of every 178 billion differently modded weapons and knowing exactly how each one of them functions nowdays after all the ever-going re-re-re-rebalancing? I barely remembered the controls for crying out loud... Got really reminded very very quickly why I stopped playing this game in action districts back in the day. At this rate I will propably have cured my craving for it forever after I reach the new max rank. Nostalgia can only carry so far, if the gaming experience is... unpleasant, to say the least.
  9. Sometimes I'm just lost for words. Are all the anti-cheats ever utilized in APB so useless? Ban-waves after ban-waves being followed by un-ban-waves after un-ban-waves. Do we suck so bad using them tools? Or are the tools really that bad? Or are we just so desparate to get the sus whales back? Are we the baddies? Or what? I have no clue.
  10. How many years we've had this style of event now? And how come we still haven't been able to fix the exploits where people get themselves out of bounds inside buildings and whatnot?
  11. So we need to get rid of the last company on earth that is crazy enough to funnel some funds to this shitshow? OR: How about you find some more productive hobbies to waste your time on? APB has been a shitshow for ages, and thinking it would suddenly change or not be a shitshow is self-deception of the worst level.
  12. Not having me even on shit tier is a sign of failure.
  13. Listed bits remind me of my old setup. It ran semi-stable 60+ with certain settings. Slowly it kept losing performance and ended up running around 45 fps. Then I built new setup, and it ran 100+ fps "stable" without clay figure graphics. Now this very same setup runs barely at 60 fps again, with non-clay-figure settings. Sometimes little higher, can go up to very unstable 80+ fps at times on empty-ish district. Should check in one day to see if I get even that anymore.
  14. Can we turn time back 10 years and not f' up everything on that attempt?
  15. The latest engine update beta I tested had abysmal performance. It literally ran like s**t. That said, the live client performance is slowly getting up par with that beta, and it runs like garbage too. I have no clue what sort of nuclear pc's people who still keep playing regularly have (or if they just play with clay figure graphics and 1024 x whatever resolution), but even the live has been unenjoyable for me for quite a while now, as it runs like pile of garbage rolling downhill.
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