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Everything posted by Similarities

  1. Huh, it used to be at the top as well, not sure why it's at the bottom now but you're right, thanks.
  2. I was messing around with the STAR earlier in fight club and was wondering to myself why I don't use it more, it's a really fun (and strong) gun, I never found myself thinking during use "Man, if only this gun was more accurate when hipfired." or "Man, if only I had CJ3 or IR3." because it already deletes people up close, the hipfire is very accurate for an AR (perhaps a slight buff here could help distinguish it, but I think it's fine personally), and it's pretty accurate when in marksman as well, I think the STAR is in a pretty good place where it is, it's already very good in CQC for an AR because the spread/bloom is pretty low, and it's pretty good at mid-range because there's not enough spread/bloom to miss a lot of shots, allowing for near fully automatic fire and tap-firing near N-TEC levels. I think it's pretty versatile as is, but maybe a very slight buff to the marksman modifier or hipfire accuracy would help with making it stand out, but I can't really think of anything that should be tinkered with too much at all about the gun.
  3. I thought you were talking about me, not cars being clientside, that's my fault, I'm well aware of the difference between client, server, and shared networking, as for clientside prediction, prediction errors occur when the server's world and the client's world simulate different things, and the client does something that did not happen on the server, these errors can be corrected by smoothing the movement between the client and server gradually, but it's always going to happen as you cannot tell what is going to happen on the server, the client simply simulates its command before it is processed by the server, with the server being authoritative on what happens, a dev discussed it above. With clientside prediction if the car is turning (and you are the driver) and the server continues to simulate something independently of the vehicle, of course, what you expect and the server expects occur differently, and the server has to teleport you backward (where you have already crashed into the wall), this is an error in prediction where the client and server world simulate independently and the server has to go "Woah, woah, woah, you haven't done that for me, come back" while the client is going "Yeah, well I turned on my screen.", naturally the best thing to do is to smooth out errors by gradually smoothing the client to where they belong, fortunately, since it is only for the client and not for other clients, the car would not teleport for another client's view, only yourself, as long as they are not forcefully simulating the player on the server regardless of when they last received a command, and if they are, then make the server authoritative over the driving, that way when the client stops lagging (or the server), the driver will be teleported to where he belongs on the server, rather than the server teleporting to where the client is.
  4. There used to be a "Mark Forum as Read" option at the top right of the forum, allowing me to quickly set all of the threads I didn't care to read (or have already died down) as "read" so that I could come back later and see which threads have updated, but it seems to be missing. Little Orbit, pls fix.
  5. Once again, that has absolutely nothing to do with clientside prediction. Now, this is the type of post I like to see, as it actually addresses the issue rather than "But it's clientside which means it's bad, clientside = bad right?" and it also gives a good reason as to why there isn't clientside vehicle prediction despite it existing in other places in the game like on foot, prediction errors are certainly a factor that can happen when the world simulated around you differs from the server, and this is exactly what that is. Thanks for the explanation as to why it doesn't exist currently.
  6. OneFrameThreadLag is the same as adding an extra pre-rendered frame (e.g. setting pre-rendered frames in the nvidia control panel to 2) is it not? So, this would add an extra frame of input delay (1/X (current_frame) + 1/X (next_frame) = overall_input_delay), the amount is minuscule but some users are very picky about having as low latency as possible to their mouse movement, adding it as an option would definitely be greatly appreciated by some users, but it would cause a slightly raised amount of CPU/GPU strain as there is no longer a rendering buffer. Also, could we perhaps have the log files split more regularly or at the very least have logging toned down a bit? (512mb is very large for a log file) From what I've seen a lot of stutter is related to log files getting huge and threads having to wait for the huge log files to open and close every single time they want to log something, it can cause prolonged hitches. We used to be able to control this from the APBGame.ini file to an extent from what I'm aware (m_cfg_bEnablePlayerDataLogging, m_cfg_bEnableLCDataLogging_Ped, and m_cfg_bEnableLCDataLogging_Vehicle) but it seems we can no longer modify this file as of last update.
  7. ISPs can already control your car position when you lose packets, as Jesus takes the wheel out of your hands.
  8. Love you a whole bunch Matt, and your approach is definitely one that I appreciate, it'll take time to build up the anti-cheat but it's absolutely worth it.
  9. Not sure what you mean with the former, but with the latter, clientside prediction only affects the client doing the predicting (as in you yourself), being hit by vehicles when they are far away has nothing to do with another client's prediction and more to do with interpolation, and clientside prediction already exists for clients that are not in vehicles, so it would change absolutely nothing. EDIT: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking#Input_prediction This will explain clientside prediction to people who don't understand what I'm saying (as I'm giving a very basic idea of clientside prediction.)
  10. Cars really don't move fast enough for clientside prediction to be an issue, clientside prediction shows no issues in the source engine when moving at over double APB's fastest speed (upwards of 4000 HU/s, hammer units are 1 IRL inch, 4000 inches per second = 227mph), in the case of cars, interpolation and lag compensation would be more of a factor than clientside prediction, plus, you're acting like the delay is going to be bigger than it is, the delay for clientside prediction would be half of your ping (given that most people on Jericho are between 30-90ms, it'd be 45ms in the worst case, 100 for Aussies roughly), interpolation and lag compensation play a much, much bigger role than clientside prediction ever would when it comes to dying behind cover or dying when in vehicles, as those alone have more lenience than 100ms.
  11. That is not how clientside prediction works at all, all clientside prediction does is allow someone to move on their screen before the server has received the commands saying that they are moving, it exists when walking around in APB, it's why you can smoothly walk around on your screen and then suddenly get teleported backward or forward into something, because what the client and server see differ and the server places them where the server thinks they are (or last saw them), rather than where the client says it is to itself currently.
  12. That is the issue with serverside driving, that's why they should implement clientside prediction, so the cars aren't a disaster when the game is lagging or you have high latency. Clientside cars is just a lol, but adding prediction would make them handle much more properly, like Source games which have the handling serverside but everything has clientside prediction, as is expected in the year 2018.
  13. There's a thing called clientside prediction, you don't ever want anything to be clientside lol, just add clientside prediction to the cars so that they all handle similarly regardless of ping.
  14. Hasn't the new ToS been in act since the 25th of May?
  15. I for one don't want to see any bans broadcasted, so to say that the community wants it is rather incorrect and untrue, Matt put it best, and I don't like seeing people I've played against/played with in the past (on missions) getting banned because then it just makes me salty, not "vindicated"
  16. ITT: Everyone that disagrees with my opinion is a bad silver player.
  17. 15-20 packet loss pretty consistently here, I think it's to do with the new "anti-DDoS" protection they're rolling out because mitigation causes server performance to suck and it costs them a hefty amount (apparently?), I've spent entire carbine mags on people and not gotten kills, even though I should've and it was pretty much center of mass.
  18. I've had Vivox disabled since it caused performance issues years ago, could never be messed to re-enable it.
  19. Don't pull hangnails backward ever, just clip them and let them heal.
  20. I got you fam, if you show me yours I'll show you mine. Also this thread lol.
  21. It's more likely that you're just bad, honestly.
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