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Everything posted by Similarities

  1. BE is a literal rootkit, so yeah it's intrusive, and it's also a good indicator of how bad cheating has become when you'd rather have a rootkit on your PC than play against cheaters. I for one will be happy to let Bastian Suter have a look at all of my anime profile pics if it means I can play a cheater free vidya game.
  2. Nice one, because I basically agreed with you if they started taking action on people modifying config files, just saying "Don't do this or something might happen, it may or may not, but it COULD happen...maybe...possibly..." is stupid, if I can edit the files and you don't act on me doing so, I'm going to edit the files. Game dev 101, don't trust the client to listen to your word, enforce your word. Actions speak louder than words.
  3. Don't forget that it's terribly implemented, janky, and looks awful because of the white line it adds around your character (unless this finally got fixed.)
  4. Read the above for my stance on that.
  5. That's what I mean by "no repercussion" though, if you get banned for doing something you were told not to do, you faced the consequences of doing something you weren't supposed to be doing and as such, it's fair game, but if you don't act on people doing something you say not to do, don't be surprised when everyone starts doing it because they know they won't get in trouble. It's the reason so many people cheated/used modified shaders for so long despite both of them being disallowed, they knew they could get away with it. If you're going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk.
  6. As far as game development is concerned, trusting a client in any form with anything is bad, if you don't want the client tampering with things they're not supposed to be touching then make it clear by disallowing them to do so. If you allow movement to be clientside, you better be prepared for cheaters to noclip. If you allow ini files to be edited, you better be prepared for players to modify them if your game runs like absolute garbage. If you decide that it's okay to be rebuilding the shader cache every time the game is launched, be prepared for players to modify shaders as they please. Don't want people doing something? Don't give them the ability to do so. That's it. I don't use shaders or anything as I actually like Little Orbit enough to listen to them when they say not to do something, I won't be using modified config files/localization files/shader files when BattlEye comes out, but if you allow people to do so with no repercussion, they will.
  7. This, and, the game will automatically overwrite some variables in your config files every time you open the game, regardless of if you manually set them to something else, for example, if you change PurgeLogDays, PurgeLogDaysUser, or SplitServerLogAfter in APBEngine.ini, it just overwrites them with the default values upon game launch. Source: Me trying to make the log files split faster because 512mb for a log to split is insane and part of why the game stutters so darn much.
  8. The lag is what the issue is for me, I'm fine vsing cheaters because it's just a mission of getting decked and then afterward I can just go back to playing, while when the servers are lagging, I can't play AT ALL.
  9. So let me get this straight, you're allowed an SMG/assault rifle/sniper for example, does this mean you could run Joker Carbine/N-Tec 5/Obeya 762, or are the Carbine and N-Tec "too similar"? I'm just trying to clear this up, I'm not sure if I'm the only one confused on this.
  10. That's not how that works when you speedhack all you're doing is creating more movements per server frame and they're all being processed at once in the next server frame, it wouldn't add any extra stress and even if it did the amount would be minuscule at best. Cheaters do not add more stress to the servers than legitimate players, we all network the same info.
  11. Try Amazon's live support, I think it's more useful as you can get direct support from the creators of DirectX themselves.
  12. You really dislike 3.5, huh? News flash: Consoles are garbage that can't even run games at 1080p 60FPS normally, we're probably just going to be dealing with the same shitty FPS that we've always gotten, just because the consoles which are basically 3-4 generation old PCs that can't run any semi-modern game at 1080p60 have bad FPS doesn't mean we're going to be having the same issues, but boohoo 3.5 is gonna kill the game right? I doubt the game even survives long enough for 3.5 to ever release, all we've had for the past 5 years is SOON(TM), anyway, your negativity toward the new company when we haven't seen a single thing happen in terms of new patches yet is getting a bit distasteful, you're free to leave if you dislike the game so much that you're throwing shade toward the new company before anything has even happened yet, just leave again like we all did when G1 did nothing for the past 5 years, but don't let the door hit you on the way out, or are you just as delusional as the rest of us and hoping for the game to succeed when we all know it never will, and that's why you stick around?
  13. Operation: Kill off Scaleform Time: 01600 Purpose: GIVE ME BACK MY FPS YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE
  14. Getting stomped in the server you belong in is definitely part of the reason people don't play, quote many of the people I brought back to the game who originally picked it up to try it out and then got stomped, also, how about all the people who quit because of the dethreaters who are basically doing the exact same thing, it's almost like we never hear about this issue on the forums! Oh, we do?! Who knew?! Performing well for 3 missions and then getting Gold out of the gate is so incredibly unlikely as a new player that it's actually a hilariously irrelevant point, if you legitimately think new players get Gold after 3 missions then you must not have helped someone who is new to the game recently. I have never, ever seen anyone who has just picked up the game for the first time come out of the gate as a Gold. Period. I still watch "Golds" who have been around since CBT drop down to Silver, but yeah, you're right dude, this new guy who played vs Bronze & Silvers and probably doesn't even know how to move, cook nades, or shoot is going to come out of the gate as a Gold. You clearly suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect.
  15. Yeah, because what we've been doing for the past 8 years is working SO well for retaining new players, am I right?! Just look at all these new players who pick up the game and stick aro-oh, right. New players have little to no incentive to get into the game solo, I've had to teach so many people the game before they even cared enough to pick it up because the UIs are terrible, convoluted and confusing, the tutorial is terrible and teaches you nothing to get into the game, and to top it all off, getting stomped by players better than you because you're a silver in the district you belong in is so fun! You definitely got that right! Make a suggestion on how to fix it, magic conch shell.
  16. Usually when I get put against lower level players in a 1vX or 2vX, I use a weapon I'm inexperienced with or learning how to use, that way we're both at a handicap, but I can run directly at them and still outgun them at times, regardless of weapon mods/character mods, I feel there needs to be a more harsh penalty for playing in the Silver disticts instead of the Gold disticts if they're not going to lock Golds to their own distict, people try to argue that "Golds shouldn't be locked to their own district because then they can't play with their Silver friends!" but I think Golds SHOULD be locked to their own district and lower ranks should be able to join higher up districts of their own volition.
  17. Hot damn, did the game look better (or I guess...different?) back then or am I just stupid?
  18. Bumping this to say it has absolutely nothing to do with population, and matchmaking is busted. Posted: Nov 19, 2014 @ 5:50PM
  19. Entire world server is offline, was getting 40 packet loss and then got a "The server disconnected you unexpectedly" message.
  20. Well, theoretically they could if they have an input handler that networks every button you press, but realistically there's no reason to do this and it'd take up lots of bandwidth, especially logging all of this stuff, it'd produce an unnecessary stress on the server (yes, a single person might not be a lot to log or network, but when you have 600-1500 people on one server at a time, all pressing buttons and sending/logging it on the server, it starts to get messy), most of the time they don't know what you're pressing because they have no reason to know, so it's theoretically possible but in practice it's not effective.
  21. That's how every anti-cheat works, if the cheat is not easily accessible or is private, then how do they plan to detect what they haven't got access to? VAC, at least, uploads modules to their server for later manual analysis, not sure about BE though. It is true, FF has a clientside portion and it needs to have a clientside portion, long ago during the days of Infestation Survivor Stories the devs would show the FF control panel, and it logged things like how many times a user pressed insert/delete/end/home/whatever, they can't detect such things w/o a clientside portion.
  22. The purpose of a name change is to change your in-game name if you do not like your current one, not hide you from people so if you get a bad reputation on one name and think you can run and hide under another, you deserve it. Use /ignore.
  23. I think he more means that he hopes to see updates releasing at the same time as for PC, which, unfortunately, isn't really possible because they run on different engine versions, but once they bring the current engine up to speed I think it'll be a lot more smooth for console and PC users.
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