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Everything posted by bmwdealer

  1. Favorite: M1922 MK3 - fun to play, honestly underestimated gun. Good damage, if used correctly can be used up to 50m combat Least Favorite: ATAC Patroller - i literally have 17x of them thanks to joker power boxes. The gun is nothing special , feels kind of Weak.
  2. If you took a trial of Temptress or Cap40 moments pre update, they would remain permanent in your inventory with no timer.
  3. Runs fine for me on windows 11. Stable 250-330 fps.
  4. Well if it supports this game living on, let it be
  5. Most of people like him behave like this ingame, then cry for their 7 day bans: (Names censored to comply with name and shame) Spam whispers you how you are cheating, then ignores you. I just feed them the good old ez.
  6. > including a very popular retro accessory that makes all 2D things a matter of past Oh cool i wasted 130 EUR for no reason. Merged. Also question; @Ritual why is AR-97 Misery removed from armas?
  7. APB support seems to be disabled now, since whenever im trying to log in to make a ticket, i get prompted to Register
  8. As someone who made countless apb customizations and designs for myself with a overlay, i can tell you this: The safest monitor overlay software you can use is Rainmeter. I've been using it ever since it's first release and its a fantastic tool to have overlays, widgets, anything you basically want on your screen.
  9. Theres a whole zip file of new and old assets u can find it on the main discord.
  10. let me list this off. - fixing the main game so they can port it to the new engine Werent we doing this?
  11. Heres how it could work. Option A: Have a option to disable it, at own risk, if you're scammed or hacked, purely your fault. Option B: Require 2FA enabled on the account to disable it automatically, that way your account is also safer! Its getting annoying to have windows updates , pc compontent changes, windows reinstalls , adobe creative cloud install , initiate a trade cooldown. yes i dont know why, but AC Creative cloud makes you have a trade cooldown.
  12. I Remember that matt said they found it literally in un-useable state as we call it 'junk code'
  13. still the best update ngl, ISSR finally nerfed
  14. you werent ignored. GM Minigames! XD
  15. Cant even buy G1C, "There was a problem initializing your order. Please try again." it says.
  16. i have tried even waiting until the last second. ingame it just wont work on site it only lets me login, but when i try to disable it i get the same error.
  17. Are me and my friend the only ones experiencing the issue when trying to log into the game it says the code is incorrect, but on site it works perfectly?
  18. Special Thanks: GM Team: AncientMew Mirele For keeping the event friendly! Eventer: WitchQueen For bringing attention to it! Race Organiser: Dinian For showing some of the old OG tracks! Video: Group Screenshots: (1920x1080 Version) (4K Available at me) See you next week!
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