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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. Can it wait? I want to play. Kidding obviously. What happened? Connection problems? Or server borking?
  2. Cool. Doesn't mean they were not silver when they joined. New accounts threat on first 10 matches is all over place, if you didn't knew.
  3. Remember 2 months ago when I told that in max 1 month RIOT will be having troubles similiar to FC when it comes to pop? Yeah.... Well it was to be expected. Create some Discord group for RIOT and popularize it (even through APB unoffical Discord after asking mods), maybe you find some common hour and organize that shit. If others or you have additional computers, you might use them to "boost" population and withdraw such empty characters. Game will start anyway as long as there are 2 players from what I'm aware if countdown started. Sad state of fact I HAD to boost population like that last weekend on freaking Citadel. Shows how dead RIOT is.
  4. You seriously find it wierd with current auto district selector? Because I don't. All they needed to do to land in silver district is to be silver.
  5. Mitne

    Can't see objective

    Yeah - you need to restart game because you switched district.
  6. That's question which in my opinion got me banned. Better save it for yourself. Dunno about LO (I considered them so far incompetent) but G1 surely was deep into that shit. There is no explanation for what was going on there.
  7. You needed to snitch? I wondered how long it would take for them to figure it out.
  8. If you got it recorded, give it to me on PM, please. Would love to see that one.
  9. Actually I think I got more adult about crosshair issue and... Yeah let's remove it. Even name indicator for enemy. Edit: Dunno what people problem is with lack of color showing enemy. Do you have something to hide, dislikers? People write triggers under color red.
  10. ^ This. I used ACT 44 a lot back then. Pretty sure nothing changed and it's still have problem to land shots.
  11. Dude I wouldn't "lend" my legendaries even to my best friends. I would demand money like he would pay normally for legendary or equivalent in other legendaries just as safeguard. If that community ever learned me anything is that, nobody is trusted.
  12. Nothing make me cringe harder than guy pulling out RFP.
  13. Depends which garage. I can give you overall count after I put my vegas there and do some math.
  14. https://steamcommunity.com/app/113400/discussions/0/1743354432804472357/ https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us That might be issue yeah. Mobile data IP (3G, 4G) is dynamic. Trade lock must got initiated the moment IP changed.
  15. Actually you are right. If there is any thing I wouldn't want despite all this shit is for someone to dox LO staff. People have lives despite this game development and this community is so toxic that I can imagine it turning to SWATing cases and all cases of nasty unworth anyone good or bad in that team.
  16. You mistook developers buddy. We really wish we could see that as well. That's why such questions. If there is community which got right to be cynical (especially after RIOT flop) it's us. Hi, I'm Mitne.
  17. As you know people came back to see if anything changed after LO take over. Almost everyone who came back, quit by now. And now even I start to lose any hope and i'm on verge of quitting. If LO will take old G1 path, never. If I would do summer break from APB, I would probably decide to drop APB forever after it. Wierd flex but okey. Did anybody asked for RIOT? LO is fully to blame for it. Nobody asked for it.
  18. I guess it's time for me to make new noname thread.
  19. Ah! So that's why Yood was gone.
  20. Did people really did that? Wow... That also explains a lot about what is going in contaiment zone in RIOT. I barely can see shit and i'm sniped from afar still in zone...
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