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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. I don't think he have any. It was just my personal thoughs. Don't attack him for what I said.
  2. Correct. That's what I though too. And that's exactly my standpoint too. Well conventional searching shows forums for this people who usually go full blatant. They are least of problems as they are easy to get caught. I'm afraid more of secret societies. In age of Discord and Telegram it's not hard to organize such in known web and nobody would really know (except people inside). I mean it sound farfetched sure. Paranoid - yeah (cause I am). But it doesn't seem too hard to organize such stuff outside of game, you just find trusty people (they might be your friends even), create some Telegram group under false or even true name (doesn't even matter as long as it's private group and link ain't shared nobody gonna find out as it's all encrypted...) and organize your "pack" around that one guy who will provide you with unique cheat. The only way for them to ever leak is to one member to snitch, which is very unlikely if they are in that operation too. You mean this "montages" which show how their paid cheat works and is undetectable? Most of time it's stolen material of other paid cheats which were banned before, it's hilarious as most of them are scams probably. Well my only real concern is that everyone around me keep passing further and further in "skill cap" - now you can't make mistake, you need to be pinpoint on target or you will die, you need to know shit which you don't see so well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...clearly unbased paranoia by me. And there are way too many players like that. Many which I never saw playing before. (That said there are still normal players and it must look for them even more horrible than for me who somehow still keeps up but I keep getting further and further back as well.) It's either them or me being in some case of arrested development. But dunno how am I supposed to be even 99% accurate at all times.
  3. You do realize engine is something other than just map? Before making such threads in future I propose undergoing basic course on how game development works. You got a lot of such videos online. TL:DR - Engine is heart of game, without it other "organs" of game can't work. It's totally impossible to "update engine" on one aspect of game. Engine affects whole game.
  4. Many find it problematic only because it's too open. As in, not much room to anyone who use close quaters weapons. Is that terrible map? Not really. I guess general idea was that this was supposed to be sniper vs sniper type of map. Many open areas and alternative paths giving open view to eventually camping opposition shows that. Financial is more enclosed with few expections. Seems to be more balanced as there is place for close quaters weapons and distanced ones. It's kinda funny because this map was supposed to be close quaters map. So yeah - attraction to financial over waterfront is caused only because of how map is built for fighting. For some reason financial is also more memorable and waterfront look more generic. I guess skyscrapers got more charm to them than warehouses.
  5. Never did criticize. I used that gun to max out LMG role. If you want to trap people by jumping from corners, sure you can do that. But in my case it worked more as fast deploy and obliterate gun most of time. And no, in many situations - unless you litteraly jump to throats with said owner of CQC gun, you pretty much at lost position. Not of course if he is not aware of you but that can apply to any gun. Even sniper rifle is viable option then.
  6. I got some artefacts in Citadel while loading to abington yesterday but I don't think anything similiar.
  7. As we know AMG family is useless in CQ unless you crouch down anyway so I dunno if that really matters that much. Unless deployed and hidden he would rely on his secondary most of time anyway. What if he would strap it with one of orange mods? Or red? But that aside. I would surely recommend from legendaries Ursus. In my opinion it's one of the most easy to handle frp, primary legendaries there and straight up update from N-TEC 5.
  8. Hey. Welcome in technical hell I'm stuck in. Get ready for having 30-40 fps in year or two. Meh, kidding. But it started the same way for me. Steady FPS with breaks and then each other patch started to eat away FPS. I dunno what is to blame here, engine of this game or OS as quality on how others games work didn't even drop a bit 2010 to now.
  9. Better I propose something more permanent. Medusa. Unless it's build-in mod got broke, it's pretty decent LMG. And still... AMG.
  10. You both realize Euryale it is locked behind spent G1C paywall? Cause we talking with newbie here...
  11. You would think as SCPT chosen from players with "a lot of experince" he would know this shit. But nope Also explains why he unjustly shittalked a lot of people about some issues which were valid. Another silver moaning about cheater in Jericho, git gud. Add it to the pile. Was that good enough?
  12. It never was. Half of legendaries were good options. But y'know, with newbies it's mostly talking to wall about that. I dunno. Somehow we got a lot of players who "don't know what to do with them". So it is really that bad? If you play daily... no. Plus you got FC if you really badly want joker tickets (sure FC would use "clean up" (if you get me) but still is the best option for JTs if you don't need to do missions in action). (EDIT) Also this update done miracle and FC started to fill up with normal players for once. Actually that is false. We got some people who buy accs from black market and cheat on them so you think that such time investment will stop them? No, unlikely. Constant harrasment from LO will. Everybody by now know it's failure. Eh. I must complete level 10 now in this weekend I guess. Last weekend I spent one whole day to level up one damn level. Honestly it's just cherry on top of shit cake, if you ask me. Dethreaters, cheaters there and there (wish population was bigger so they weren't presenting themselves every few matches), performance of game which is breaking apart, overall boredom in comprasion to other modern games etc. Counter bar is bugged. My bar at level 6 was whole time somewhere in middle even when I was like 500 standing away from level up. And also there is still bug with progression if you die before bribing stage from what I'm aware. No, that would be N-TEC at current. Gun which 0-slot version you can take from one of tutorials anyway. Rabid is unique LMG. Look up stats here: https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_LMG_Fanatic_Slot3_Joker
  13. I don't know how many we have but last time I checked it's not getting any better on Citadel. Maybe population need to drop to Jericho levels so this cheaters actually get bored or lonely.
  14. AMG is also good, way more mobile also. It's good if your aim is average like me. If you somehow keep your aim at target all the time, then PMG is better option. If you can't aim, then it's not good option. N-FAS is good alternative for sprayers. Defintely not easy. And N-TECs. No. And it's not easy weapon to handle for novice anyway. Not recommended for novice player. OSCAR is easier one.
  15. Wow, you just discovered what everybody know for years, Cooky. (Not like I done this experiment 2 years ago - probably nothing changed for better.) You are SCPT, talk to them. Because for years it falls deaf to ears of developers, each time I rise issue - they tend to ignore me. And that's what I meant when I said that "community is responsible for death of this game".
  16. It doesn't work if you don't quote a post. Nice try, but lacks finesse. Also quote because it was aimed at you
  17. Still doesn't hurt to drop ticket to support as well. Who knows.
  18. If you got nothing sure. I can imagine some guys who spend hours to make fortune to buy this guns and then seeing that go to some fucker might be super angering. Just saying...
  19. Said that you should contact him in-game: that involves e-mail when is offline or whisper when he is online.
  20. That's why i use two-factor authentication. Did you changed your password after January login account details leak? And to anyone looking through and who still didn't changed their login details... I strongly advise to do so. Who knows if list with vulnerable logins is not circling through known internet or even TOR.
  21. Just quit forums, problem solved. You're welcome.
  22. Honestly people keep leaving anyway. It won't matter. Especially taking that waiting time if it's not peak of day are hours... RIOT as I said was mistake. The only reason I'm forced now to play is skin and max level at contact.
  23. Seiyo Espacio but you need to build it inside yourself! #Campervans
  24. Well if game would be dead, I wouldn't had choice. And don't try to be saint. You play as well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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