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Everything posted by Deftonez

  1. definitely missed that grammatical error
  2. is this guy a foreigner that never had an actual high school education or is he literally just trolling can't really tell
  3. Deftonez

    Account merging.

    Did you even read where I said "A program you don't have to do unless you want to it" meaning you don't have to merge your accounts unless YOU feel like it, you're not being forced by anyone.
  4. Deftonez

    Account merging.

    So I know people have gone over this idea time and time and again, also I did make a thread on this 2 or 3 months ago, and it seemed to get some good feedback but there hasn't been an official statement on it from the staff of LO. So account merging in a nutshell: - The ability to merge in game accounts - A program you don't have to do unless you want to it - Maybe done through support or some other way (idk lol) Benefits of account merging: - Accounts have so many unique items to where other accounts don't have those items (Ex. OBT Veteran Title, merge an account with that title with an account without one, the combined account has the OBT title) - This could protect people from their account(s) being accessed by someone else and being stolen since that used to a happen a lot and probably still does - Premium for all your characters on one master account - Buying account bound weapons, clothing packs, etc, would be so much more beneficial. Cons of account merging: - None (at least I hope so) The reason I'm all for this is because I have many accounts that I actively use and manage daily and it's a pain in the patootie playing favorites when only 1 of your accounts has premium, one has the OBT title, and one has the KTTW pack. If all my accounts were put into one, god I wouldn't have to worry about what account to manage or whatever. All I'm asking is for an official statement on this, considering I made a thread about this months ago, and other people have thrown around the idea countless times.
  5. i'm sorry but how are people still bronze and silver
  6. APB Servers while disconnecting people: "i hope they remember you"
  8. nothing but obstacles you can over come! thank you for your patience and work matt, much love for you
  9. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaah my diaper is full over something insignificant! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  10. u care cuz? did i ever say i was good? nope. now STFU and leave. this is about those shit patootie themes not my shit aim. you got me there
  11. man your aim is just...i lack the vocabulary to describe how horrendous it is
  12. "Grinding sistem" what more is there to say?
  13. that was...well you most certainly have a way with words
  14. if u play on jericho, i wouldn't recommend that...someone else had that name and is known for certain things
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