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Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

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Everything posted by Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

  1. I wonder how many people realise that since LO viewed it as a bug, they most likely won't revert it. They may change how the gun plays, but it won't go back to its G1 state To each their own I guess
  2. Even G1 never did 80% and we all know how they operated. Max they did was 60% (there may have been one item at 70% but that Black Friday sale rotation thing they tried to do worked for like 4 hours and then broke)
  3. Key part: "I came across the Yukon bug~" Now one of the definitions of bug: "an error in a computer program or system" And that final extra mile, the definition of error: "a mistake" dunno about you, buuuuuut...
  4. I know a certain someone who would prefer Snow Paro first I summon you forth, certain someone
  5. I thought you use the hvr...oh wait they nerfed it. Nevermind, carry on
  6. Then it becomes a Mountie with better hipfire. Not really worth of the "legendary" title it currently
  7. 5 degrees less zoom, otherwise the exact same gun = better
  8. Would it be possible to have new/different guns for the 12 levels in 12 Deaths of Christmas? They've been the same for a while now and it wouldn't hurt to change it up a bit
  9. G1 tried this once, the community cried, G1 reverted the change (and this was with a higher population) Been there, done that. No thank you, we don't need a repeat
  10. It's 25% you nerd. No spread wrong information plz
  11. Lol bring it. No mob shall pressure me to change my opinion please no booli
  12. People called the skin bad anyway so doubt you missed out on much anyway
  13. The ntec does need a nerf of some kind, but for now, it has to stay as is due to it being the only other "f2p" AR (there's the joker store but we don't talk about that here). If you nerf the ntec to the point that some armas ARs are performing better at range, you can imagine the outcry that would cause, and quite frankly, LO does not need more stup*d flak Once there are more "f2p" ARs, LO can safely go about nerfing the ntec. Until then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  14. They don't have much staff so what can you expect. Just gotta stick through the rough for now to reach the holy land
  15. If memory serves correct, you yourself said that secondaries are only used as a support item/to finish someone off. So in your own words, why are you using it like a primary and not after you've tagged someone? Such a great hypocrite, don't even follow your own words. We're reaching levels that shouldn't even be possible then again I don't know if you can respond to this :^)
  16. SyllyBear what happened to your main forum account? Lol get your just deserts
  17. T...Tl;Dr? I'm too lazy to read who am I kidding, my sorry patootie is still gonna read this
  18. Thank you. This is one of the best laughs I had in a while
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