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Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

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Everything posted by Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

  1. I dunno, permanent colby .45, OSCAR, Temptress, Vegas etc, all for free. Kinda seems a lot to me
  2. I know interacting with you is a mistake, but I'll try. I'm going to ask you a question, which will only have two answers. Please answer the question without going on a tangent. Would you A) prefer the approach G1 had, which was lying to us about how much progress they've made, when in actual fact God knows what they were doing, or B) the approach LO has, with them telling us what they plan to do, and then them carrying it out, albeit them sometimes missing the mark, and at other times, a uncomfortable silence There are only two options I've given you to use as an answer: A or B. Surely you can't mess this up. I look forward to your response
  3. Could we please not superficially inflate our player count
  4. This does look bad, but the same thing could have been said back in 2017 and 2016 (and probably was said then). It's just that times are changing and so is what interests people. Look at SCUM for example. Had around 65.3k players at the start of september and now it has around 7.5k players. Sure the playerbase isn't as low as apb, and they aren't even related, but in just the space of just a little over a month, it lost more than 85% of its playerbase. It's going to be tough to increase the player count of a game that first came out in 2011 (I apologise in advance if this is wrong), and has the characteristics of a game from that time, going up against games of today. Moreover, it's going to be even more tough to retain a consistent playerbase, especially as games today have a one-month spotlight of fame before dissappearing into the void tl;dr - true but same could have been said in previous years
  5. This man (or woman. Gender equality 2018) went all in. Damn
  6. I would but I don't speak Russian. Cyka blyat
  7. Wow, it's like what I asked about the hvr went over your head. No point continuing a conversation with an individual who avoids answering the question presented. You would make a great politician. Have a nice day
  8. Thats why you dont apply trash changes to weapons. Still waiting for my enlightenment, because as far as I can see, you just dodged my question You're basically saying don't balance the guns to stay in line of their intended roles, because according to you, secondaries are just a vanity item, and that the ntec should do well at any and all ranges
  9. Ready for people to glitch out the map again? and get banned in the process of doing so
  10. In all fairness, the current engine is a coding nightmare. Look how the patch that introduced the trading system broke a lot of things. I would wait for 3.5 EU before digging into LO for breaking things while fixing something at least that's how I feel anyway
  11. Nah the rfp in and of itself is op. Simple as
  12. Enlighten me. Say I'm using a hvr (and we all know how it now performs in cqc with its last nerf). You're saying whatever secondary I pick, I'm fucked for cqc? Guess I'll never play the hvr again, as that gets rid of any chance in cqc I have. Remember guys, if you use a weapon catered specifically to long range, just expect to die in cqc. Don't bother retaliating
  13. Ima keep it real with u chief: the ntec, which falls under the ASSAULT RIFLE class, isn't really meant to be used in cqc. There's a reason why the pointman guns and secondaries exist
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