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Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

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Everything posted by Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

  1. Doesn't make sense to release the valentine's event in-game today, but not the valentine's armas update. Why not release both at the same time?
  2. @CookiePuss seems a lot of these threads are popping up. Maybe I should make a few of my own :^)
  3. I thought that's what I implied? Well it wasn't worded clearly. Mb
  4. Everyone got used to the CR762 for the duration improved rifling affected fire rate
  5. We making "Nerf X Threads" now? Is it my turn yet? don't worry cooky, I'll be neutral and provide justifiable reasoning :^)
  6. I wouldn't worry too much. It's probably gonna get a nerf in that department soon anyway
  7. Jericho has been getting hit hard by ddos the whole month basically. Someone holds a really bad grudge against APB, this is next level ddosing
  8. I've seen this pattern somewhere before...
  9. I'm not saying the game needs urgent gun balancing right away, but I'm just wondering what happened to it. We had it for a short period before it came to a complete halt and went off the grid. Will we see more gun balance in the future? Have we gotten all the gun balance planned? Just a bit curious Would prefer a statement from a LO staff member, but beggars can't be choosers
  10. Can the trial times be adjusted? 30 mins for non-premium players isn't really enough time to get a reliable feeling for a gun. Maybe make the trial period a day? The lowest option on buying a gun from armas is for 3 days after all. Also is there really a need for the different length in the trial period between premium and non-premium?
  11. where is beastie anyway. Haven't seen them in ages
  12. If the n-tec was changed, you would see a significant flux of threads most likely complaining about how it didn't need a change
  13. What did you just say about that weeb game? I don't play the game, why am I working up a sweat?
  14. they had 14 days (well technically 13 as I heard the launch of the event was borked) to complete an event that could be done in 5 days minimum there was the slayer title that required 10 days but I ain't counting that
  15. 2 days into the new year and you're already complaining Did you expect the game to magically get better instantly with the new year?
  16. It's called dramatic story telling. Go away booli
  17. Around a month ago while browsing https://db.apbvault.net/ , I noticed that high magnification scope shared the same marksman modifier as hunting sight 3, of 0.15 This was rather interesting as at the time I was under the assumption it was higher than hunting sight 3. Fast forward to a few days ago, I was reminiscing of this discover when it occured to me what is the point of hms when hs3 exists? Sure there's the enchanced zoom and range finder, but the enhanced zoom can give you tunnel vision and the range finder is only useful on a small handful of weapons. I'm not saying change these two things, as they are what makes hms unique (and are helpful in their own ways), but rather give hms a small edge over hs3 so at least there would be some incentive to use it on some weapons instead of hs3, which is how I arrived at buffing its modifier to 0.20. Thoughts? Tl;Dr (come on, it's just a bit of text) - Buff high magnification scope modifier from 0.15 to 0.20
  18. Why not pull a h*mo sapien and go striaght to flying?
  19. Thanks. I can see it crystal clearly now. Need to get me some glasses
  20. Want to use a larger omegalul? I can't see it clearly
  21. Ah, the typical "YoU cHeAtEd In ThE pAsT" comment. Once a cheater, always a cheater, amirite? No but seriously, who cares? You gonna do this for all the accounts that had their fairfight/punkbuster bans reversed? you would think the community would have stopped doing this a long time ago. I guess not @SKay as a fellow tommy gun user, I think you know what needs to be done. You better get the Tommy gun buffed my man, or else there are gonna be problens
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