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Everything posted by _chain

  1. Ow, the edge. You can play for as long as you want, just know it won't make your opinions more valid than others'. For instance, all of your weapons nerf list could be discarded, with the exception of a few valid points and changes that would not make a single difference (ammo counts, grenade counts, etc). The rest is good. The last part is already stuff being worked on.
  2. You're just lowkey complaining. Nothing from this list would move the game in a good direction
  3. "I'm off to buy some cigs son, see you in a bit" — Father I hope to see again someday, please come back I really miss you
  4. I'm pretty sure most of the time has been spent working on the unreal engine port, silvers. As for the NFAS players, try learning from them, because there's definitely something you're doing wrong if you always fall for the same tricks.
  5. _chain


    Finally a reason to bump the tatas and thighs sliders to full throttle.
  6. The Toronado looks like a vegas. I'm thinking of something more like
  7. No, so sorry. No. If anything it would make for easier positioning and aiming, compared to what it is now, with the current problem that it has. Also, no problem with re-acquiring targets, since that's just practice.
  8. Might as well be converted into an actual scope, eh? You know, the typical sniper sight, same effect as a 6x-12x magnification sight, but making it like you're actually using the opticals (by converting the TP perspective into FP only while aiming) instead of the ironsight + your character's capacity of squeezing their eye to focus on distant objects. Just as a though. It would also keep the range finder and all that, but instead of being based on a multiplier it would just replace the ironsights zoom with its own 6x or whatever.
  9. Don't black out anything, apply some light pixelization instead, you'll be good to go.
  10. _chain


    deus vult infidels
  11. Thank you matt, very cool, but I'll get my uncle, who cleans the CEO's toilet at MICROSOFT, to BAN these DDoS baddies o9 you guys just wait
  12. pretty sure i just saw a few chatting around in citadel. people are annoying as hell and just kept hackusating others and asking what a tgm is, basically wasting their time.
  13. Boris fan, it doesn't work that way. Whoever lands shots last gets the kill, that's how it is in every game.
  14. *whoosh Chain spell! You've got _chained. heck, I'm busy, gotta skedaddle. We're not done here, mark my word!
  15. guess one will win whenever the other one dies. til then, best of luck
  16. heck!! got me there i'd rather chain you, hah! gitgud til you find someone called key or freedom, or whatever.
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