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Everything posted by _chain

  1. 7.5/10. Good, not quite my thing
  2. Cute. Too bad it's only jericho
  3. Thoughts on partial invisibility: Situational. Rule of thumb, if something is very situational it can fit in. Plus, it's a consumable. People would have to wait for it to drop, then equip it instead of something more general and less situational (shield, heal). I wouldn't complain if it was implemented. It doesn't really matter if there's a name shown or not for allies since they can just hover the crosshair over your character and it would change in color (but duh, it takes time and consumes calories to actually do it so people would complain anyway)
  4. _chain

    Driving System

    Why assume i keep doing it over and over like it's a hobby bub? Never got pushed into one/had no space to drive elsewhere making you run into those have you?
  5. _chain

    Driving System

    Another one like this? There's something in me that attracts you people. Why have them unbreakable in the first place? It's just bad environment design at this point.
  6. _chain

    Driving System

    They should make breakable posts cuz i'm tired of running into a 5-10cm diameter cilinder of a few mm of hollow metal and losing all my speed. You know which ''posts'' i'm talking about. The true form of the concept ''immovable object'', lads. Other than that, cars that don't slide around constantly would be nice.
  7. True, not much I can add to this. Since the only real way of earning serious money in-game is store raiding, any changes to the way money works in the game would have an impact on the marketplace. Imagine if, instead of getting 1k per win / 3k per win as a premium, you earned double or triple that on a higher threat server. It would also require a lot of price re-balancing, at least with lease weapons. But this would only affect newer players. Even if those changes were added, you could probably see any high rank player still hopping on bronze because they don't need the money. A lot of people have millions of APB$ from just farming or selling stuff on the market. Though this is only when talking about an increased money reward. Players will be very interested in flashy items because the endgame of any game with good customization is basically fashion, and we all know that.
  8. I figured our guy also wanted different levels for the mod, that's why
  9. 1shot with nhvr? no, thanks. i'm fine with switching to secondary after i've landed my shot and vice-versa. Car speeds seem fine to me right now. But i've been playing for some time and i've got used to it. Though some people might want an improvement in maneuvering, but i like the way it is right now as well.
  10. True, tutorial is very boring to do. Tbh i don't even remember how the tutorial is implemented, it's been too long. I think there's a pop-up on screen and when you get into the tutorial window it's basically a giant wall of text and some images, with a bunch of tabs. An actual tutorial having you do stuff on a separate server instance would be great. Anyways, if anyone wants to add what we're talking about here on a suggestion post, feel free.
  11. Read, but we can argue somewhere else if you'd like (please don't)
  12. So you're telling me there's an actual solid reason to put advanced tips on the loading screen instead of in an in-game menu where everyone can stop and take a look anytime? just... c'mon
  13. Yeah, loading screen. Who reads the loading screen tips? With my loading time most of the times i just get to read one or two. Sometimes i'm not even looking at the screen while it loads. And i'm pretty sure most people do the same thing
  14. Why though, take into account all the people complaining bout fps drops and you wanna add that now? But it would be great marketing for the game. Imagine it popping up in a list of games that support it.
  15. Its just a big square around the character as our buddy said earlier. They're all the same, height/weight parameters do not affect the hitbox. Imo they should say something about this in the tutorial. Also that you can shoot at people hiding under cars, cause ive been playing a lot lately and nobody seemed to know about this (even only a few maxed out players even)
  16. Reading the 37 pathetic texts you sent your crush last night, then realising that you can't delete them and that you've basically fucked up real good. Or you can always drink some more, your body will get used to it and you'll basically end up becoming a demi-god with the power of surviving 3x the lethal dose of alcohol/blood L.
  17. 6/10, nice chill stuff for your ears, can't see the context in which i'd listen to it, probably great studying music if you're the kind of person that can't stand having a person sing complex sentences while you solve math problems.
  18. Stick yo patootie to that chair and prepare to play all day long til that shit runs out if you want to get the most out of it.
  19. _chain

    Roadmap Talk

    I agree, a new truck or suv would be nice. But if they add a truck, they should at least make it so players can hop on the trunk, not only the seats (should also work on all other trucks). Maybe have a two seater with space in the trunk for another 2-4 players, with the only downside being vulnerable to gunfire when sitting in those spots and not being able to move, but with the advantage of (apart from carrying more people) being able to use bigger guns like snipers and lmg's (but not rocket/grenade launchers).
  20. If i'm dominating you, and on a 10 kill streak, don't send me hatemail through /w Simply accept you're losing, shut up, change your strategy, maybe alt+f4 but I seriously don't need a crying baby /w-ing me over a couple of nhvr kills
  21. bruh i'm running a 1050ti with an i5 and less ram and you're telling me i'm getting no fps dips?
  22. Threat might need a bit of a fix again. It used to be win/loss based, now it's score based i'm pretty sure, but follows some weird rules, i've read somewhere that you only level threat when you are in the top half of the total players on the mission. Anyways, I don't think this should be added right now, or that it's even a good set of ideas. Maybe this could work when the game gets a bigger player base. But here I go: It should work on "seasons". For example, make it two weeks or one month/season. When you threat up you'll have to stay on that threat level for the duration of the season. Then, you only get de-threated when the season ends or when you get a really bad match streak (below 0.3 k/d and low scores combined) but the threat level only goes down by one step. You can gain threat anytime based on score (like it works right now), even if the season hasn't ended yet, allowing newer players to progress through the difficulty levels of other players easily. Not having played for a long time (let's say 4 months) would put you in a ghost/black threat state, much like the esports ranking systems work, where you'll have to play around 8-15 full matches in order to get classified. This state of threat would also allow you to play against all other threat levels (but only until you get classified). The threat level earned after the positioning matches would also be based on threat levels that you've earned in the past, meaning that if you've been into gold throught the whole game and you suddenly and intentionally start playing like shit, you'll only get threat equal or maybe one step below gold. But this last point would requiere a bit of long term data collecting. About the reward part, adding some cash/random consumable rewards for getting win streaks, kill streaks and other badges would be good. Maybe add a gradual cash and experience multiplier to the mission rewards after a few wins, going from 1.0x to 2.0x or so. But this is just an idea, and the beefy important stuff you should focus on is above this paragraph.
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