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Everything posted by TheMessiah

  1. end of this week i expect some news about the engine progress(at least i hope we get some)From last update news was clear that they have a lot of work a head(sound more like they start it all over again lol)
  2. u must had the option to call but anyway is indeed sht situation..
  3. For what you think are topics like "roadmap 2021" and "tracking the engine upgrade"?The people who make this same topics for the engine,the matchmaking,the cheaters etc looks like never read what the CEO posts.Thats why is annoyn seen same sht over and over again.But i guess the sht train must keep going so the forum stays alive..
  4. people will never tired to make same topic over and over again for the last 7-8 years..
  5. there is aim games on steam like aim lab foe example
  6. NA players left this game like 5 years ago(6-7)and this is not the only game i notice that.Thats why i dont like the idea to merge the servers and we in EU to play against the 50 NA players left with high pings.If they dont want to support the game-shut down the NA server and thats it.This people(at least the majority)dont feel attached to anything so they just start leaving this games when they become boring or something else.All games i play are left by the NA community...
  7. who..when..where..whatever...
  8. i guess this person was in coma for more than a decade..
  9. I think now we need "Tracking the Roadmap 2021" pinned topic instead of "Tracking the Engine Upgrade"..
  10. yea wtf the only weapon change i liked
  11. Idea how to kill 3 birds with 1 stone.The players gonna be more active,attempt for more fair matches and bigger rewards Daily Threat Activity.Name: "The Gold Challenge"(silver,bronze etc)Simple description: "Eliminate 50 enemies"(title and description-subject to change ofc)Reward: 50 JT.There can be 1 of this activities for financial and 1 for waterfront a day(100 JT in total)Replace the activity of the first contacts for example which gives 5 JT and open it up for everybody Example: Im silver and i want to get this activity.Unlocks only on my silver district.After completed i cant get more of the same even if i change threat or threat district.I must play it(counts)only on my silver district Cons: some green players and NA overall may not be able to play this activity but it is what it is..
  12. so no melee but this sht yes?makes sense..
  13. massively op covering also the news https://massivelyop.com/2021/01/29/fallen-earth-sees-significant-pre-production-apb-reloaded-gets-a-marketing-push/
  14. Thats you not everybody - big difference.I cant give more than a fu** about that
  15. We need monthly/weekly threat activities and option for equal threat challenges on mission districts despite the threat district.Golds can only challenge golds to a match,silvers only silvers etc.Something like that may actually calm down the spirits and can make the matches more fair plus there can be rewards JT,money etc
  16. Did you read only what you wanted? looks like..yesterday there was 650 players in peak hour so yea..
  17. mmobomb covers the roadmap thx to Jason Winter https://www.mmobomb.com/news/apb-reloadeds-2021-roadmap-2-1-launch-marketing-plan-better-new-player-experience/
  18. some people just cant stop being an a**holes..
  19. EAC not gonna be back because they wanted more money plus wasnt working/protecting very well so thats case closed
  20. This is the best/most important.Looks like they hired people who actually know what their doing.I guess the game still have hope..
  21. We gonna have some news soon?About the engine or just overall whats going on with the game..i mean obviously something is going on
  22. imgine all this time spend on the skateboard outside..
  23. They sold the brand not APB Reloaded back then(if thats even true)
  24. Depends if LO keep doing things with same pace-game dies this year.If they sell it to some company even if is small but capable-u never know.Especially if they start fixing things and adding new content in faster pace
  25. event was fun was time to end anyway..question is what now...(more of the same i guess)
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