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Everything posted by TheMessiah

  1. Its obvious that the increase of players for this xmas event is not just because of the event-is for the fun gameply with the buffed weapons.So lets buff and not nerf the weapons in live game and i dont mean like the star to have that fire rate like in the event or anything exaggerated like that.Just buff all weapons so the game can be fun to play or make separate finan. and waterf. districts with buffed weapons and the rest to be the same like on normal mission districts(exp,money etc)Idk if gonna be like temporarily event or what but make something fun in this game till release of 2.1(which gonna take months for sure)
  2. In the blog for last beta there was update.After that everybody must be on vacations till today..i think from today they must be back to work.
  3. another project phoenix i guess..anyway i think u just crushed the little hope some people had for the future of this game gg
  4. The only news i expect from them from now on is that they sold it.If you prefer to stick around next months(years)and keep eating this bad running betas-is your thing.You know what im done here take care = )
  5. TheMessiah

    WASP Inc [Enforcer]

    whats wrong with that..they all must speak english
  6. If you cant find in California - you cant nowhere
  7. With the tempo they are doing things will take the entire 2021 to finish properly the engine so even players with average PCs can run well the game not just the ones with high end PCs.At this point the best thing they can do is selling the game and keep working on games like Unsung Story etc Thats just my opinion anyway
  8. must be number one in the list indeed without that idk..
  9. I didn't see anybody mention it and is still a thing so there you go.. on Xbox Series X on PlayStation 5
  10. Casual people or hired professionals from some bigger companys with games similar to ours.Dont want to get into conspiracy theories but its always easy for the big ones to step on the little ones..
  11. Quote from "Tracking the engine upgrade" october 10 My question is how advanced is that work?I think thats the key..
  12. Nice i was hoping for one more till the end of the year and here it is..
  13. About that fine but whats going on with the engine?any news soon?almost 2 weeks without any..
  14. was nearly 500 once again yesterday stop with the fake news = )
  15. They are too silent for too long now.Like what 10-11 days without news?I hope the next news we get are not that the game is sold once again.Not gonna surprise me..
  16. for the rich are better ofc like everything..(no idea what im talkin about as well)
  17. not gonna be even next week..the week after that(dec 23rd-jan 6th)
  18. Yes.The questions are with what amount and for how long..depends mostly from how smooth the game will run.Also im afraid that after 2 days when this game Cyberpunk comes out-how many players with high end PCs(mostly golds)will suck out from apb.Because i think that will happen.If from 500 players we drop to 300/200-we are done
  19. pretty much dat..with steam u run 1 more program but theres not much difference game lags anyway
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