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Everything posted by TheMessiah

  1. GM watchin right now beware lol
  2. imagine the game without the premium..from 400 will drop to 250 probably
  3. Yea keep waiting LO to make entire new(even if small)map/lounge for that.They try to finish 3 years the engine and u talk about shootin range..
  4. You have 2 things in the question and 3 things to choose to vote for.."Fixing matchmaking and threat district system"is actually the thing i want most right now.Some tweaks to the current matchmaking/threat was possible for this 3 years LO is in charge but anyway
  5. Ok ok i saw the video yesterday is like 99.99% of what everybody thinkin "big deal" indeed.Actually to be exact is like the 99.99% of the cliches everybody post on this forums and thinkin.Something new pls..(i dont say most of it is not true is just gettin anoyn)
  6. i think i extract some sense here..
  7. we suggest this for years now the result is obvious..
  8. Nobody uses voip on EU(poor english for most people probably main reason)If you want to talk with ur friend/s actually no need for vivox,discord,skype,teamspeak or any other external program.You can do it on steam(if u run the game on it ofc)U can always create free group and invite them even with free account(or inv as friends but for that you need to spend at least 5 bux on the account)The quality of this communication is good even with my mic for 10-20 bux i can talk clearly plus u can boost ur mic and test it p.s. or u can join already existin apb groups on steam
  9. The event itself is ok my problem is dat my potato cant run it well when many players gather in close space.Thx for the event anyway ill try at least..
  10. check the roadmap..last news about console plans there
  11. if player sux the fart spray aint gonna save him
  12. yea ill believe when i see that
  13. soo..our current threat/matchmaking will have anything to do with phasing?or phasing is just for gettin player to populated district.. edit: oh ok "matchmake across distances" so our current matchmake will be changed ok got it.Actually i knew that but got confused here(english not my native: d)
  14. i guess you know cause u making games nonstop..like how many u made?i think i know..
  15. the potential the game still have despite what some people said..pretty much for that i keep coming back
  16. The latest engine upgrade post: Thx for the detailed update.Meanwhile give us in live game some alternative game mode 40 vs 40 or idk something else for finncial/waterfront where players despite their rank,threat or whatever-can progress their characters(get exp)make money and earn JT.At least try something like that in some event for a while and see if players gonna like it because i think is time to end this agony most player have on this mission districts because of the low pop and matchmaking
  17. is on his way to Mars gonna be the first man there..stay tuned for more news coming soon
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