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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Technically even using ripped models for thumbnails is illegal in numerous regions. But it lives in this grey area of admissible due to dev/companies not going out of their way to care about it unless a huge amount of attention is drawn to it. That sort of 'free use' standard that isn't actually a thing. I'd say go ahead though. Shrug.
  2. Wrong. Depends on the region but a lot of places it is illegal to be using it even if not for profit and you give credit.
  3. So can I dress up as a terrorist as long as I don't use the ISIS flag.
  4. APB has worse things than the word w ho re in a title. Also sIut shaming and wh ore shaming needs to become a thing again.
  5. Depends on what you are using it for.
  6. Played at max settings/4k/60fps Played at 1024x762/144fps/ potato config I played about the same skill level. Maybe a touch better on the low res, but that is because 4k res is a little broken, not low res having an advantage. Yet here I am still playing at 4k/max settings.
  7. Can we just revert the anubis already. It was perfect before hand.
  8. People never listen to me, even after I am right every time.
  9. People forget that to get max level in APB is about the same amount as getting Prestige 10 in the older CoD games. Seems about the right amount to me. Though some things could be unlocked earlier and some things later.
  10. APB has always been competitive focused. Combat, celebrity, and creativity is the three pillars RTW created the game on. I think you are taking me as saying competitive as ESPORTS ULTRA COMPETITIVE RANKED. I mean competitive in the way that it is a competition focused shooter in a format that promotes player/team accomplishment from its base mechanics. Like almost every shooter.
  11. People always use that excuse when in actuality it is highly dependent on the game in question. Some games have thrived with that mindset, such as Siege, while others have been killed by it. To not even take it in to consideration is just stupidity.
  12. I mean, all of us did tell G1 that the BR thing they were working on was a joke and destined to fail yet LO still went on with it. So it really isn't a situation of them keeping it to themselves until too far in development for the players to tell them 'lol no'.
  13. I sort of have to agree with you. Though things are a work in progress and an AO pass will come along with other changes that will help. However I disagree with them placing so much emphasis on the LUT changes. There are far more aesthetic issues going on in the engine update of which can't be solved with fixing LUT/adjusting them.
  14. Competitive focused games should consider those who play at the upper competitive ranges. Regardless of if this is actually the majority of the player base or not. Weird opinion, I know.
  15. Why would it not? No. Don't do that. it is all or nothing. To put that perfect old music over the current screen would just ruin it. The two do not fit even close together. Especially since a lot of the sound cues came from the login screen itself.
  16. Bout to start a daily I am silver and don't understand how matchmaking works. Add it to the pile.
  17. And what would this achieve other than making most of the gold emblems be silver?
  18. This really does not fit with APB and adds nothing to the game.
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