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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. It gives pretty much no advantage, makes controlling precise timing even harder, and is just all around stupid. Why block it?
  2. Don't forget even hiding in cover does nothing cause that minor amount of pellets that hit you get to blast you like a HVR regardless.
  3. Daily 'I am bronze and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  4. I kept saying that the new pellet mechanics just rewards bad players with bad aim with more damage than they deserve. Changes came to live and what do you know, it does exactly that.
  5. It is pretty ridiculous when you have zero ability to counter them in CQC. Not even using cover works now.
  6. I honestly think it is pretty impressive that APB even holds some population still. It never reached that high of a peak and is still around this long while other games with far more players dropped off the map far quicker. So of course APB is going to have low pop when it is this old.
  7. I'm conflicted on this. Because weapon balance should not just be is the gun good and fun to play with, but is it fun to play against as well? I feel like the fireworks launcher does need a little bit of a kick to give some incentive to use it more as it is severely underused. However I think such a suggestion allows too much game knowledge/information to be available which makes it worse to play against.
  8. Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize themselves as avictim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.
  9. Just leave already then. People are done with your victim complex here.
  10. Though @Tobii might be blunt about it, he is right. It is obvious you don't listen to sugarcoated constructive criticism that is attempting to get you to improve your renders and your skills, so maybe blunt might actually do the trick.
  11. An actual decent APB video. I'm impressed, even if it is a parody of a parody.
  12. This feels all too real and personal to me.
  13. Would you be able to screenshot the location? It is the only ladder on the inside of Highschool in financial. The one above the dumpster.
  14. What does this have to do with Risk Assessments though?
  15. Sure it is better. But if so, it is really immature/unprofessional to not just set the name to a random string of characters.
  16. CSGO sort of? SecondLife if you like the customization and social parts of APB.
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