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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. What do you mean you don't want to level up a contact 20 times for no rewards? You're so ungrateful.
  2. do you like raisin cookies? Na.
  3. Whenever the PC version is updated to EU 3.5 and subsequently the console version probably.
  4. Because the console version does not have the day/night cycle fully implemented in that version of the engine upgrade while the PC version is an old version that does. Also wrong section.
  5. At least I can add the extra '?' back to mine after it was removed
  6. ive heard a few people say vector based symbols would eliminate the pixelation caused by scaling and would be better for performance overall, but idk how correct that is They already are vector based, however at some point that have to be rasterized and baked on to the textures. It is the quality of that baking/texture that affects it.
  7. Creme de le Crime would be fine if all items spawned at once around the city. Fast and the incarcerated is kind of annoying but I like the variety, especially when you get two premades against each other. Eye witness testimony is smart for enfs and I end up just shooting the cams myself. Bang for your buck is a bit annoying with the double ram/drop bujt i think is fine. Mannila Vice is fine with the three items since they changed it to mediums instead of heavies like it previously was. The Hidden menance last stage is just stupid. There are a bunch more that suck but not to the point where i really think they need changing. Car drops suck in general when they can see the point moving.
  8. If they are getting rotated would be nice having an armas section for rotated items with current timers.
  9. How is spamming russian any different from spamming american
  10. Make it a premium function. Shrug.
  11. No it uses the red color or is memory based. I think your thinking of overwatch, most aimbots and triggerbots in overwatch just scans for the health-bar icon. Nup. Lots of APB nerds using the hud popup at the bottom.
  12. Yeah well. Not everything I post is a shitpost.
  13. rng recoil isn’t for cheaters afaik, it was just a game design decision This. I far prefer the design decision behind random recoil rather than certain spray patterns. Though there are benefits to either. Also most triggerbots use the text info that pops up on the HUD rather than the crosshair.
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