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Everything posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. "Legendary" weapons can't have custom skins, which is nonsense Imo.
  2. No one said I didn't get how to play it after some minutes, but that's not an excuse to be lazy developer.
  3. 0 explanation of what do you have to do with the excuse of "Look at the forums". You shouldn't have to look at the forums to know how to play a game. Pedrestrians walking around the infected city like nothing happens, so it just kills all the feeling.
  4. Why do you need to ignore that many ppl? Do you cry on PM and then ignore? are you one of those guys?
  5. We also need sprint while Crouch, so you can move fast while in a cover.
  6. Remove old ppl from ignore list to add new one, and repeat. Is not like the old ones are going to PM you in the instant you unblock them
  7. None, I barely buy anything due to the expensive prices.
  8. Wish they could add AI Opposition when servers are that empty.
  9. Give Crims an Exclusive grenade "Molotov" since it makes sense that crims would improsive weapons. That's true, could be a good mechanic to be able to move if the enforcers are not around you for x seconds to control you. That way enforcers could not leave the arrested crims alone. Meaning that wouldn't be as OP as it is now, while the can arrest you and leave you, making your respawn 2 or 3 times longer.
  10. That guy ignores that THIS was GTA online before GTA online existed.
  11. Wish there was Game Mode of 20vs20/16/16 where you had to attack an enemy base and steal a flag or something.
  12. Always though that Vegas had a ridicule amount of HP, having just 250 Points less than a Seiyo/Pioneer, and being the faster car in the game.
  13. I think Little Orbit is already thinking of reworking this, and some other things, but it's true that it sucks when you're too bad for your actual threat, but too good for the lower one.
  14. I have seen some of those guys that shoot you before they can even realize you're there, it's so damn annoying. Or while fighting on a point with 5 doors, the whole team is hunting you no matter which door you coming from, I mean, they're not defending every entrance, only the one you are in.
  15. I always wondered why mods has to have downsides, it's already hard to get weapons with slots, to get downsides by using a mod. Why would you get a downside by adding a handgrip to control the recoil?
  16. They'll give you the "too much work" excuse for anything you ask, like working on a game isn't the developers job.
  17. Can we get a rework on Green player mods? Make Kevlar reduce damage instead of the 30% extra HP
  18. Hmmm I see, I wonder why they never released it.
  19. Hey guys, I was thinking about one thing. Over the spawn of 5 years G1 promised a new Engine, and now, seeing how much work Little Orbit is putting into the game, I wonder: Did G1 really even start working on that engine upgrade? Is LO doing it where they left it or starting from 0? Have a nice day and let's hope for this game to raise up!
  20. I would like to, CSG, LCR, and some other weapons are now kinda useless and a real waste of money.
  21. Don't waste your money in a dead game, at least do it when the real updates start to come.
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