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Everything posted by ZoriaDunne

  1. Getting 3 months of premium is 24€. Getting 50 JB with the chance of getting nothing is 54€.
  2. So they would kill you if they could to let other players win xDDD
  3. This is hilarious, Don't make such a trash event next time.
  4. I'd love to have a revolver that can "Fan the hammer" from hip, and slow, accurate in marksman.
  5. Would be fun, even to hide behind them as cover haha.
  6. Today servers were laggy af, From my usual 90 fps I had 50 fps, with big spike lags and 100+ ms.
  7. So that's why I cant hit them, I was aiming to them, my mistake.
  8. I gave up on Devs fixing many things years ago.
  9. My problem with ACT and RSA is that they make a lot of ghostshoots, a lot.
  10. Hey guys, I've been using Colby SNR a lot lately, and I love it, kinda annoys me it's 4 stk having 6 rounds, but hey, it's pretty accurate in short range. What bugs me is that having 30 m range (50 at minimum damage) the crosshair is quite big even crouching, so hitting from 15 m+ is kinda impossible. Shouldn't it have a smaller crosshair so you can use those 30 m properly?
  11. Most of submachine, Shotgun or carabine users move like that, really fast left to right, and it's really hard to hit them, while you can't move like that no matter what, It's kinda annoying.
  12. If this forum is currently influenced by said cheaters, what's the point of this post? Make us a favour and show us your top character, Threat Level. He'll have to record every single player he finds, because everyone who is better than him is a cheater.
  13. Hell yeah!! I'd love to see APB like that 100% LMAO
  14. Yeah kinda unbalanced how AR have more range dropoff than many other weapons.
  15. ZoriaDunne

    San Paro design.

    Since San Paro is under a civil war for the control of the city, that has ben going on for years (c:) I wonder why are civillians walking around like nothing, same for cars. I would love to see a more ruined city due to the effects of this constant war, explosions all around, destroyed cars, barricades. Idk, I think it could get us more into the game lore if we had a more immersive city. Thx for reading, Have a great day
  16. My only complain about Ntec is it's range drop-off, any other weapon has 10 extra meters while damage going down. While Ntec has 20 meters. And you can see ppl killing like nothing in long range battlers, while they shouldnt be able to.
  17. "Your reward is to learn from your mistakes." But yeah, those events are kinda bad. I prefer for LO to focus on real updates for the game.
  18. New 'Slow firerate' LMG when? Every single new gun they make is super fast firerate.
  19. As a guy who maxed Machine gunner role using only Alig, I approve this, LMGs need more love, they make you slower and have a bad base accuracy even if you stant still+Crouch. Just with the excuse of "they blow up cars fast" So does DMR, and many other weapons if they shoot more than 1 person, My Seiyo Espacio has exploded in less than 5 seconds by some enemies with Ntec or just with a single Conc + some shoots.
  20. I start to think that LO is secretly G1 faking a company change to keep players active for a few years more.
  21. I've used Alig as my main weapon for years, but now I'm using Nss-w as my main weapon, the hard damage is decent, and more importantly, the Accuracy is on point. I use HS3, EM3, and IR3 on it, and it's perfect Don't worry about the meta thing, for me it's pretty boring to use the same weapon that everyone uses because it's the easiest way to win.
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