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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i use hs3, muzzle brake, and mob sling mb is def a non-standard choice but despite the increased vertical (lmao) recoil i still find myself more accurate overall with less horizontal recoil
  2. what exactly makes this toxic tbh, its not even like they stomped your team any harder then they would the average gold team
  3. "the game and the forums aren't even functioning at their normal level of bad but i'll test the armas system with real money, what could possibly go wrong?"
  4. this was suggested but orbit has yet to recognize that systems like this are needed comparing the “organization” of 4 friends who want to play together to getting 80 random people to all log into apb at the same time feels kind of disingenuous having actually organized some larger clan events in the past, i understand just how difficult it is to wrangle a large number of players - just finding a schedule that works for everyone involved is a nightmare, and sometimes flat out impossible that aside, 80 gold players is more gold players than people who actively post on this forum or the unofficial discord, so how would you even get in contact with that many people in the first place? those 10 criminals are ramraiding or doing some clan activity so they’re essentially not there as far as opposed missions are concerned, worst case scenario they actually leave as soon as an enf joins the district no one wants to spend their limited game time just sitting in an empty district hoping other people join, that’s not why players boot up apb
  5. they have to actually plug in the new servers :^)
  6. i mean apb:r has never had more than like 10k players, it's just not a popular game
  7. i think the last time there were so many users that the forums stopped working was when the community sperged out over the lixil stream nice to know we can all come together to be annoying as fuck
  8. the shaw has always been a decent weapon, if one that requires more effort to get the same results as other guns it shares the same problem as the lcr, there's a gun that does everything better - the euryale/stheno outperforms the shaw and the obeya outperforms the lcr
  9. yes the 100 million was for all of rtw's projects at the time (i think there were 3) but the fact that a huge amount of money went in to apb and very little came out remains, and that's the only fact that anyone considering "competing" with apb will consider
  10. the saints row games have gta 5 levels of customization at best and they're also not MMOs the division games are almost entirely pve content and customization is pretty subpar never played defiance so i have no comment
  11. its a flop because the return was not equal to the investment, doesn't matter how long a game lasts if its hemorrhaging money every step of the way
  12. "all golds cheat" and the self-described normal people wonder why they aren't taken seriously
  13. because this shitty (but unique haha xDDDDD) game cost 100 million dollars to develop and bankrupted the company that developed it, who in their right mind would want to copy that?
  14. how am i supposed to enjoy the game if dethreaters are killing it by chasing all the new players away??????????
  15. high latency is still annoying, especially with all the things that are server side in apb other players may not be able to tell but there’s still a very noticeable delay on stuff even at only 100-150ms
  16. the nfas is the only weapon you listed that i think is slightly overturned atm, and even then it’s not enough of an instant win button for me to call it “cancerous” lol i think a better thread title would be “when will people get good and stop complaining about what other players are doing?”
  17. cj3 doesn’t affect long range accuracy unless you literally can’t control yourself and always hit max rof cqc was mentioned because cj3 obeya out ttks pretty much every secondary from 10-40m
  18. why would you intentionally give up a lower cqc ttk for no reason? its legitimately a straight buff if you "can click properly" i'm confused
  19. haha yeah i can't wait until NA only has 4 active players instead of 10 either it'll be great
  20. NA will actually have a populated district for golds 24/7 for a few days? i might actually log in
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