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Everything posted by vsb

  1. they temporarily nerfed the bounty system because it wasn't working as intended i've already addressed that apb doesn't have to be perfectly balanced, not even when compared to other shooter games however there is a large difference between "perfect competitive" and "not competitive" and apb is closer to "not competitive" than it needs to be imo
  2. chess is a highly competitive game that is also playable for casuals and it’s also entirely red vs blue (or black vs white technically), i have no idea where you’re going with this example apb is objective oriented just like dozens of other competitive shooters, and competitive balance can be achieved asymmetrically
  3. my definition of competitive balance as stated above does not require apb to be a red vs blue game
  4. i won't disagree that there are a lot of reasons people quit but seeing as the game has been moved in a casual direction since day 1 of reloaded (looking at you, ttk decrease), and has pretty much failed every step of the way, i think its valid at this point to assume this direction is not working which people would those be, because from my pov little orbit has been favoring casual players until just recently shotgun rayscaling, hvr accuracy-based-damage, all 3 of the "new" weapons little orbit has added, and riot just to name a few examples, have all been geared towards a casual gameplay experience perhaps we have a different definition of competitive vs casual balance to me competitive balance is when players have a large amount of control over their actions/reactions and are rewarded for making use of that control, there is no "forcing" everyone to play a certain way other than ensuring that as many factors as possible are as equal as possible and casual balance is where a large amount of control is taken away from the player, rewards for making use of that control are arbitrary, and there's little to no thought given to equality given that apb is an inherently pvp experience and its also theoretically supposed to be fun i support a more competitive balance direction, since imo losing due to factors outside of your control is rarely a fun experience - especially if it happens consistently a highly competitive setup is not impossible will apb ever be as balanced as a static arena shooter where the only variables are each players' skill level? probably not, but that doesn't mean we can't get close and it definitely doesn't mean we shouldn't try i disagree, games like csgo and seige have kept and even grown their population years after their releases despite both being highly competitive shooters the true barrier to new players coming in to highly competitive games "late" are tutorials and matchamaking imo i fail to see how this has any bearing on apb as mentioned above, siege remains a very popular shooter despite being even more of a "csgo clone" than apb could ever be and by your logic gta online (the ultimate hyper casual open world shooter) already exists, so why continue pushing apb towards a casual direction either?
  5. i don’t really understand why pushing apb towards a more competitive gameplay experience is a bad thing, we’ve desperately tried the casual approach for almost a decade now and all we have to show for it is lower population than ever
  6. seven hundred milliseconds, actually
  7. i’m a little confused, the valentines guns are being removed even tho the valentines event isn’t over? edit: oh nvm the guns are being removed at a different time from the patch
  8. vsb

    two small fixes

    what's with people assuming they know how hard it would be to add things into a codebase they've never seen?
  9. what if i don't enjoy any people? this is discrimination
  10. if you're so hung up on the need for me to present a suggestion, then you can consider that technically my counter-suggestion is that we leave the /abandonmission system exactly as it is right now there problem solved
  11. provided you or the n5/p5 player is on a mission the previous system: n5 player and you are an enforcer/p5 player and you are a criminal - a yellow nametag, a yellow star on the minimap, and a red crosshair when aimed at n5 player and you are a criminal - a yellow nametag, a yellow star on the minimap, and a green crosshair when aimed at p5 player and you are an enforcer - a green nametag, a green star on the minimap, and a green crosshair when aimed at all n5/p5 players can be interacted with the new system: a grey nametag, no star on the minimap, and a white crosshair when aimed at no n5/p5 players can be interacted with its far simpler imo easier does not always mean more powerful
  12. it's only confusing to you because you're used to the old even worse system, and now you know better i'm willing to bet you're in a very small minority that doesn't operate based on red/green nametags or crosshairs edit: i guess i should add that i don't have any issue with the icon not appearing, it just seems like a really small nitpick to me when you would have had the same issue under the old system where friendlies had n5/p5 icons as well
  13. the icon won't appear unless the name is visible the only thing you have to keep in mind when seeing n5/p5 players now is whether you're currently on a mission or not, imo that's far simpler (especially when playing a criminal character) than determining what faction they are and whether or not you can fight them without putting yourself at a disadvantage
  14. was it just the icon or was his name yellow? otherwise i refer back to my previous statement of only red and green names mattering
  15. afaik n5/p5 players can't interfere in ongoing mission they aren't a part of if this is not the case, then i do agree that little orbit dropped the ball
  16. if you're on a mission, then you don't have to assume anything - either they're a red opponent or a green teammate
  17. he’s right tho, phasing is worthless with jericho-level population you can’t have cross distinct matchmaking if there’s barely one district per threat in the first place
  18. they’re both armas or joker store only
  19. seems like the perfect thing for a CM to host for each recycled (or shit) holiday event while the devs are busy on the engine upgrade, little orbit should really look into hiring one :^)
  20. legitimately disagreeing with a suggestion is not being a jackass, or even negative at all - no one disagreeing with suggestions is how rtw ended up making apb into a giant mess in the first place clearly didn’t comprehend my post, since you’re still making this a black and white argument my point was not that the system can be abused (we’re in agreement that almost every system can be), my point was that the potential abuse and subsequent negative effects in gameplay outweigh the potential positives
  21. at least you guys followed the pricing model correctly this time
  22. at least it gets some people to use slightly different weapons
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