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Everything posted by vsb

  1. by that logic a triggerbot is only doing what a player can accomplish by clicking, and an aimbot is only doing what a player can accomplish by aiming better - the advantage of perfect recoil/spread management with the push of a button is not something that can be duplicated by just "pulling down" and you don't balance weapons around what cheats can accomplish, that's a terrible idea
  2. i have a corsair scimitar with push2talk, change weapon, grenade, shoulder swap, walk, and probably something else i’m forgetting
  3. i doubt its going to end anytime soon afaik g1 sold the console publishing rights to another company, so it’s probably up to that company to pull the plug
  4. apb doesn’t recognize any mouse inputs past m4 or m5 (i forget which), so to get around that i have to bind functions to a keyboard key and then remap my mouse button to that key i also have various macros set up for symbol designer shortcuts, but those aren’t something i’m concerned about
  5. i think that’s kind of the point avoiding rng by using the weapon “correctly” should reward the player with accuracy, maximizing their control during an engagement the choice of either relying on their own skills to out aim/track their opponent or relying on the rng of max bloom to out ttk them, something that won’t always work in their favor instead many weapons either start off with spread and get worse while firing or they start off with spread and remain the same, neither of which is ideal for a game that wants to rely so heavily on player skill this is a large reason why balance is such a mess and why the meta has remained the same for so long, because the guns with the least rng are generally the guns that scale the best with player skill rng (along with other factors like ttk and range) should be more of a subtle guideline to indicate when a player is pushing their weapon too far outside of its niche, rather than the brick wall of limitation that it’s usually used as in apb
  6. i’m curious as to how this would even be fixed? bolt timers on shotguns? nerfing the already underpowered snub?
  7. to use my example in particular, i have a mouse with thumb buttons that are not recognized by apb unless i rebind them to function as a keyboard key press using the built-in mouse software its technically a macro, which is why i'm wondering how strict orbit is going to be
  8. i guess it depends on how strict they are on macros/software - someone earlier mentioned rebinding keys, and if that’s something that won’t be allowed i can’t say i’ll be playing much apb
  9. as much as i like the commitment to transparency and keeping the game “cheat free” this ping pong between anticheats is a little weird to me, especially when the current option seems to be working decently it also seems odd to change the anticheat when we’re kind of maybe weeks/months from the engine upgrade, wouldn’t the background improvements that i assume are part of that process help with server side anticheat integration?
  10. i think you might have misread my post
  11. all those RAF accounts had to be useful for something :^)
  12. it might suck for immersion but little orbit going bankrupt and shutting down apb would suck even harder for immersion, so i can't say i'm that upset about it
  13. barring exceptions like the troublemaker and the massive oca overbuff the pmg has been the top smg since g1 reworked it in 2013, long before the oca was ever reverted we had a few months where the 2 were still kind of equal altho the pmg was still slightly better, which was just fine, and then g1 tacked some extra range on it and it became unnecessarily strong personally i'd prefer if smgs were reworked to mitigate initial rng (which would require a bunch of other tweaks anyway) but thats another discussion altogether
  14. since we're on v3 of shotgun rebalances, i'd say probably not
  15. not only is the aces rifle not an smg but its not even very good at pretending to be one i quite like the gun myself but it has a lot of poor qualities that keep it firmly under the pmg
  16. the oca getting pushed to .64s was a pretty textbook example of how the "buff stuff to compete" strategy can be just as bad as constant nerfs, and the oca at that point basically crushed smg balance by being easy to use and having a low ttk a small nerf to the pmg (-5m effective range) would still allow it to outrange most other smg options without it slamming right up against midrange guns
  17. vsb


  18. the carbine, .45, and obeya all function exactly the same with regards to firing timing (aside from the exact timing itself) there is no jamming or sticking mechanic
  19. for some reason i just don't believe it, weird
  20. shotguns are (still) in a bad spot but what kind of superheroes are you playing against that instakill at 30m with an oca lol
  21. that's the information, there's just the regular server maintenance and no patch do you want them to walk you through the server shutdown procedure or something?
  22. its a bad idea to balance weapons around cheats
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