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Everything posted by vsb

  1. obeya outperforms or equals the obir at basically every range except close and even that might be suspect now, havent been able to test the new bolt timer changes yet
  2. abuse corners and cover even more than usual unfortunately no matter how well you play the corsair its high ttk will always be a significant handicap also keep in mind while the effective range is 30m, due to a forgiving min damage value the corsair still chunks off 180 hp damage per shot up to 100m
  3. that's not what you said right here
  4. this is the dumbest, most vague determination of cheating ive ever seen by this definition literally everything is bannable because any player input can be recreated with a macro
  5. its not like just posting "youre wrong" or "no" is any different from leaving a dislike, and the same people who will refuse any contradicting posts are already making their own posts calling out excessive dislikes as "haters" or "crutch users" i feel like both sides of this are vastly overestimating how much a little red button is going to change this forum when theres only 30 or so active users anyway
  6. nothing like getting 10 notifications, going to your profile, and seeing your last 10 posts disliked regardless of the content
  7. the carbine is also down to 35m from 40m, afaik it all happened at the same time
  8. this is kind of disappointing tbh, are there any plans to change this in the future?
  9. so this patch is going to bring the manic to a .72s ttk (10stk) as far as i can tell, what exactly is the reasoning there? i do think the current manic ttk can be pushed excessively low but this throws the c2 (.63s ttk) into a bad balance spot with no competitors and it goes against one of the bigger design concepts apb has, where more difficult to use weapons have lower ttks and vice versa why use the manic if the c2 does everything better, even as a preset? why use the manic when the new and improved oca will outperform it without having to deal with horizontal recoil or marksmanship mode?
  10. vsb

    Dirt bikes.

    why popular game gta have BMX BYCICLE for player but apb not??????
  11. vsb

    Dirt bikes.

    i want bicycle for cool trick pls orbit i pay
  12. wow its almost like different people have different experiences playing the game how wild is that???????
  13. i'd 100% choose the troublemaker over the aces rifle and the cap40 for cqc, the manic comes out slightly better because you can mod it tho i do agree that a lot of "problematic" weapons have been nuked into oblivion rather than being properly toned down to balance
  14. i think he's mostly questioning the order of the changes, which is a fair question imo why are the guns no one uses not getting meaningful balance to change that first?
  15. you're like the forum equivalent of the homeless guy outside the subway station ranting about chemtrails, its not toxic its just sad i'll have you know i'm a proud shitposter, not a troll can't believe you've said this to me
  16. the c2 has never been trash people just thought so after it got nerfed from op status might actually be one of the better balancing acts g1 ever did tbh, nerfing an op gun but only to the point that its decent and not worthless
  17. "how can we fix this gun" A) lower damage B) further destroy gameplay feel accuracy-based-damage mechanic still in play all 10m of much longer range the last reserve ammo change doesn't even say what gun it is (star perhaps?) meme responses for meme changes
  18. youre dedicated to this troll, ill give you that
  19. config comes with a free whitelisting for one account :^)
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