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Everything posted by vsb

  1. im still confused are you saying threat should take mission area and objective location into account? because that can get subjective af, not to mention it would 100% have to be done manually
  2. might as well get myself a new title ALL SYSTEMS RED hopefully colored txt is allowed, if not then id like murderbot
  3. 8 / 10 that track is sample heaven
  4. how about we just revert the hvr nerf that was accidentally applied to the anubis and never removed, and then delete the shit tier curve mechanic recoil voila gun fixed
  5. fairfight and battleye are fundamentally different in how they detect cheating tho
  6. crying that the ogre is a bad gun? it does make me pretty sad that the game isnt perfectly balanced tbh
  7. start winning "Least Valuable Teammate" awards maybe
  8. in all honesty the ntec might as well be semi auto lmao
  9. no keep going this is amazing
  10. for sure, but i have to assume that a program that can catch people who toggle can also catch people who do the opposite also id assume most dethreating would be super obvious when looking at the stats ff can record - wouldnt even need to ban just a flag so a GM can pop in and spectate
  11. i think they were planning on leaving it as is tbh, that makes way more sense
  12. can we use ff analysis? if its supposed to be able to detect people suddenly playing better it should be able to detect people suddenly playing worse might even be able to enforce the "no dethreating" rule since itd be pretty easy to prove with statistics
  13. silvers and bronzes should make up the large majority of the visible thread levels, probably anywhere from 60%-75% of the pop should be in those 2 threat colors
  14. i spend money on armas in the vague and ultimately futile hope that it will fill the void my boring, unnecessary life has become
  15. honestly id be pretty ok with playing on the 'Gang Violence' server
  16. if you cover everything in word vomit no one will want to look too closely what are you talking about, the ban was was broadcasted and theres a page on ffbans, literally everyone in the world could know
  17. go back to ur pretty moving pictures sweetums
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