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Everything posted by vsb

  1. except for the other 20 possible rewards if you just want pure grind, there’s a bunch of santa box gun kills
  2. just spend 300 bucks for the bolt :^)
  3. is there a /report category for griefing/harassment?
  4. u forgot doxxing a bunch of people who put in support tickets
  5. which is why it’s a single reward this is literally the middle ground - something for casuals and something for the no lifers
  6. up conc hard damage to explode any car with one grenade and bring back the ability to run yourself over with your own vehicle
  7. it’s an extra reward for people who want to put more time into the game, what’s the problem? weve gone from “ew lol no one cares about titles” after autumn assault to “why isn’t this title easier to get????????” for slay bells make up your mind guys
  8. id be down for that, iirc its been like 3 or 4 years since the threat level percentages were adjusted
  9. vsb

    Snowball bug?

    damn dude he didn’t even mention cheaters take a chill pill lmao
  10. vsb

    Snowball bug?

    especially if you have a program that shows your snowball arcs :^)
  11. thats assuming a player is actually a high silver tho, if you can only dethreat once per week i think there would def be low silvers and maybe even the odd bronze getting stuck as gold threat
  12. vsb

    PVE servers?

    most open world games have serviceable AI the problem is that raising the "skill level" usually just ends up making their aim more and more artificially good, leading to a situation where your AI "players" would play like silvers or bronzes but with perfect aim - it doesnt lead to particularly good gameplay since any face to face firefight is essentially an automatic loss its an unfortunate downside of having low population, coding pve into apb would take time away from projects that will likely boost the population and fix the problem
  13. once a week is a pretty long time when you're stuck in a gold district with potential opp way above your skill level, as opposed to potential opp at your skill level threat is already pretty badly inflated by wins counting more than losses, further imbalancing that would just further inflate threat
  14. this would just actively punish anyone who is on the border of two threats, as well as cause some pretty intense threat inflation
  15. vsb

    PVE servers?

    making a bot that could accurately replicate even a low gold player is anything but simple lol
  16. 7 / 10 easy listening metal cant remember if posted before
  17. ah my bad i thought you meant only during the event, the same issue happened with the halloween objective markers and team markers
  18. as far as im aware theres a hard limit on how many ui elements can appear on your hud at any given time, thats what leads to the disappearing act dont think theres any way to change this since (afaik) the ui is plastered all throughout the spaghetti code of apb blood splatter has never been a good indicator of a "hit" since its client side only iirc
  19. because that’s not what you said smh bro
  20. idk if a week counts as quite a while ago
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