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Everything posted by vsb

  1. afaik 4x4 versions have to be entirely separate vehicles, no idea if that adds extra work or not also kits are kind of limited since hitboxes cant be changed based on what parts a vehicle has equipped, leading to visual/physical errors (giant fucking snowplow on espacio kit is an exception apparently)
  2. vsb


    im only internet gay
  3. me neither it would honestly be pretty hilarious it would totally undermine my faith in whatever anticheat measures (clientside, serverside, manual) managed to fuck up that badly tho
  4. you shot me in the face for an entire mission and it never occurred to me that the gun is unbalanced
  5. by itself on a scoreboard? there isnt any number id see as proof tbh, id hate to ban some nerd who was trying to ego boost by having his clan feed him kills for 20 minutes sure a wild score might trigger some suspicioun (ideally it would also trigger some flags on a stat based anticheat as well) but it shouldn’t ever be the only “proof” of cheating
  6. there is no spin: -presented with proof of action -you claim action is only possible in a specific way -ask that other people disprove your claim (with odd requirements that would likely affect any attempt) instead of offering proof of your claim i’m aware that orbit doesn’t ban on player reports - there’s still no false information in my statement at all, which one of us is misreading posts?
  7. i honestly like this title so much that i would have participated in the event if i’d known it would be the reward
  8. it’s the same thing - if it’s impossible then he’s cheating, if it’s possible then he’s not (as far as this evidence is concerned) the only difference is you’re asking random players with no connection to prove he’s not cheating this whole thread is a great example of why bans based on player reports are risky at best
  9. congratulations on arriving at the polar opposite from the point of my post, it was pretty clear the 50+ part was intended to show how ridiculous it is to expect someone to prove that they aren’t cheating if it was up to darkwolf you’d just be instabanned as anything over 35 kills is “quite obvious”
  10. as much as i liked the name and shame list effect as a “things really are happening” tool, it caused to many issues all on its own from people being doxxed on ffbans to cheaters rerolling specifically to get “funny” names broadcasted
  11. are you a mongoloid or do you just not understand the words you’re typing? if reaching 26 kills in fc is questionable it means it’s fairly difficult to do without cheats - if it wasn’t difficult no one would bat an eye and it wouldn’t be questionable if reaching 36 kills in fc is “quite obvious” it means it’s basically impossible without cheats - if it wasn’t nearly impossible without cheats then it wouldn’t exactly be “obvious” someone was cheating why don’t you stop and take a moment to think on your own posts before you hackusate a quarter of the active population again
  12. your cognitive powers are unreal, there are dozens of players that regularly top 25 kills in asylum and topping 35 is completely possible, especially in a 20 minute fc match for god’s sake i top 25 kills regularly in asylum (granted it’s been a while since i tortured myself to play fc) and i consider myself average at best, it blows my mind that someone like you can apparently be so garbage that 25 kills is nearing impossible and yet also somehow manage to think your grasp of what is possible is correct
  13. you said you’ve gone 50+ kills before, if i say that’s cheating and you don’t provide video evidence backing up your innocence should you be banned? should everyone have to go around proving they aren’t cheating? because quitting apb since i don’t have several dozen spare hard drives to store every minute of gameplay footage on sounds pretty gay my wording was intended, it’s ridiculous to imply that one random player’s performance disproves another random player’s
  14. obviously not, as is nearly always the case most of the really good players don’t frequent the forums the burden of proof is on those of you hackusating anyway, why not show us that it’s impossible to achieve legitimately? make sure to record ur proof in 1080p @60fps
  15. id rather be slower and firing back over faster and dead, it also means that (with fuse time) its at least 10 second tts of course you can speed that up with a complementary secondary (nano, tg8) but the same can be done with the lethal opgl - in the end the opgl-cd is inferior to its lethal counterpart like most other ltl
  16. the opgl will do a maximum of 1,000 damage (coincidentally, players have 1,000 hp), it’s a fairly small radius tho (1m iirc?), you basically have to land it on a player in order to one shot the opgl-cd only does a max of 980 stamina damage, although it has a slighter larger explosion radius to make up for it
  17. “why don’t you go do it?” seems like a stupid argument, why are you implying that any random player could achieve the same performance? not saying whether the player in the screenshot is legit or not but what kind of evidence is it that? if someone was attempting to play as good as they possibly could, why wouldn’t they alter game settings for better fps?
  18. i like the idea of a stat based anticheat since (theoretically) it means a cheater is never safe from banning it seems like orbit is done with faifight though, hopefully whatever internal anticheat they’re working on is at least similar (and works)
  19. the nfas has very limited range in return for its extreme ttk and ease of use its also generally a 1v1 specialized gun, with a small magazine and a relatively long reload time
  20. stun grenades are the only “one hit kill” grenades left, i can see how some people think that’s op the opgl-cd is not op, not only does it have less stored ammo, but it can’t stun you with one grenade (unlike the lethal opgl, which can one shot you) in in the end both are ltl which adds the (imo very large) balancing factor of only stunning an enemy
  21. the broadcasts just created toxicity, mattscott has already said they won’t ever bring that back fairfight has been discontinued because it doesn’t work optimally with apb
  22. vsb


    there’s currently only na (jericho) and eu (citadel) servers
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