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Everything posted by vsb

  1. irrelevant, this is a private company not a government
  2. the community was very vocal about not wanting a br from day 1, i'm not sure why orbit expected the half-assed "dev test" mode we got to reel in the population source? because from where im standing riot started out very far from that, and the recent riot patches are only pushing the mode further away - oh and the ceo himself said they aren't really focused on it
  3. would be a nice QoL thing doesnt help if there's no populated districts like on jericho tho
  4. afaik you can't i think its because sony/microsoft vetoed it, but pc accounts can't migrate to console
  5. vaquero might be too small honestly the kurai would be the best fit, but it’s already a bounce house on wheels at what point do we toss in the 6x6?
  6. i’m aware both are already awd, but i was envisioning something more like the g-wagon 4×4² for the pioneer and a ford raptor for the t-25
  7. this was changed months ago, last year actually iirc
  8. the new contacts are supposed to be mid-level contacts, with rewards to equalize the progression between pc and console we havent really been told much other than that, its possible anyone over the contact levels will just automatically max them out (similar to how double b/leboyce are auto maxed out at r9)
  9. can we try this again in english?
  10. nice, i like that one quite a bit more than the yakuza any chance we can see the coy koi skin too?
  11. why'd you change your name yood? but yes i find gameplay based almost entirely on rng to be incredibly boring, and i don't think it leaves much room for player skill growth
  12. how many network outages does this make from a single provider? at what point is it unacceptable? why put any focus on riot at all then? can we get the riot devs moved to making small fixes in the actual game instead of a garbage mode that even you don't seem to care about? orbit's comprehension of player feedback continues to be spotty at best adding more contact levels when feedback says the grind is too grindy giving everyone a wallhack when feedback says hiding is caused by horrible standing reward mechanics adding more HUD information when feedback says the UI is already way too cluttered and that's just from this patch koi? its nice to hear that i dont have to hang out in an empty riot district in a desperate attempt to get free skins, but this info probably also removes incentive for a lot of people to ever play riot again the amount of standing being lowered is helpful, but increasing the standing rewards for riot matches seems like it would have been better will there be any changes to how standing is rewarded (or not rewarded in this case) with only the 2 last teams/players standing receiving any significant amount?
  13. sure lets go all out then add a mod that increases jump height but removes the ability to crouch add the air control mod
  14. i'd rather we get the stuff we have balanced before anything new is added wouldnt be mad about a 4x4 pioneer or a 4x4 t-25 tho
  15. give me 45 minutes to mentally prepare myself
  16. we have a new anticheat already (easy anticheat) at the rate apb is going through anticheats we won’t have any options left by christmas
  17. i don’t like riot i think riot should continue to be developed, but not as riot the br genre as a whole has very shallow gameplay, there’s a million reasons it doesn’t line up well with apb (which have been covered in a million threads so i’m not rehashing them), and riot implementation itself is sloppy at best we’ve been told riot was just a practice test for the devs (ignoring that this only came to light recently) - if that is the case why continue to work solely on riot? give us other game modes/other mechanics/etc as more practice for the devs, use riot as a starting point to give the community things it’s wanted for years like functioning anarchy districts or turf wars
  18. the tutorial is visible by default all tutorial UI elements show how to access the full pop up tutorial
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