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Everything posted by Ebola-Chan

  1. Matts actual message (100% real trust me my mom is tiggs) "So for the past few months weve been working on 1.2 and it seems as it was hard to fix all the code, so we decided to just release the source code of the game and let you guys make an open source game"
  2. 100million game doesnt mean that it was managed well, as you can see from the state it came out as. Also the key feature that was unique (customazition) is not really unique anymore. And probably can be reproduced way cheaper.
  3. No, you just rename the file code from unreal engine3 to unreal engine 4 and thats it
  4. the pictures look great only thing that bothers me still is the draw distance of 100m is it possible to increase it in the new engine ?
  5. Hey Matt, and all of the other staff in Little Orbit. You might have heard of him already, but there was a moderator here a long time ago which also made alot of great songs, it'll be great if he'll make some more music for this game. song for refference
  6. This is where the money at atm Just another way to milk this game I doubt Riot will even be fun to grind
  7. When untill around 2015 ive spent 500$ Since then havent spent a dime on this game just not worth it
  8. I guess LO doesnt care that those kits were avialible since the first days of apb
  9. Middle east ? I mean the israeli community did just fine with the game being in the wide spread language called english
  10. My iq just decreased by 10 from just reading this thread
  11. Well tbh i have amd 7 2700x not overclocked and the game works at around 90fps most of the time and at first it works perfectly but as always the longer you play the worse the performance gets
  12. Atleast they do something G1 didnt do anything for 2 years or so
  13. And we could only do this on joker ammo and we had to press some weird key bind to open the ammo tab
  14. +1 should've kept the frenzy as is Edit: let the butthurt silvers begin disliking this comment
  15. Probably a wrong name or different server...
  16. each threat color has 10 internal levels that are not shown visually, so in reality we have 40 different threat levels is this why i aleayd get matched agains 4 people as 3 ? or get matched agains 4 silvers
  17. i doubt that it will work bronzes dont know what radar is
  18. there are way too many golds who are not even skilled i consider myself decent at this game im not a tryhard but i have never been silver and never abused the meta but i agree that 4 threats is not enough
  19. So for people to stop whining about weapon balance i found a new way to make people stop whining thats how it goes make golds have -50% hp and deal -25% dmg make silvers deal 10% more dmg to golds (not changed agains silvers and below) make bronzes have 50% more hp and deal 25% dmg to silvers and 50% dmg to golds if a dethreater is detected kick him from the aerver and roll him back to R9 ty
  20. The only way to beat Shredder at this point, is a point blank HVR (OOPS NERFEDLOL), and a Yukon(OOPS NERFEDOMEGALUL). thats silver logic for ya
  21. new districts ware going to split the community since the district would probably be with contacts over 255...
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