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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. ALIG is boss and is my AV of choice. SHAW is fine, it's just one of the few guns that takes skill in the game. The Medusa is just a legendary AMG, I.E. a worse AMG, but that's kinda' to be expected, as legendaries are often just "meh" gimmicks. That being said, the Medusa is still great.
  2. Just revert shotguns please, especially the SG-21 Strife.
  3. Don't forget that the Shredder is listed as 4-shot too. . .
  4. What you're describing is exactly what the M-1922 currently does, so that entirely defeats the purpose, lol. Also, you mean stick magazine, clips are not magazines, nor are magazines clips, just F.Y.I.
  5. Shit, MB, didn't bother looking up the mission, and I don't really know missions well by name. Either way, heavy task items are a drag and their stages need to be looked at kinda' in general IMO.
  6. Here I am with RS1 on my HVR 762, and you're asking for increased zoom on the Scout, you learn something new every day. Honestly though, actually on topic, I think a sight in between HS3 and HMS would be kinda' fun. Maybe we could have something like Sniper Scope 1, 2, and 3, which function as HS3 but with 10, 15, and 20 degree FoV. While we're at it, I might as well mention that I think HMS should have SLIGHTLY more effect on MM spread than HS3, maybe like -0.17 instead of -0.15. Also, can we just open the slots on every scout? Bam, everyone's problems are solved. . . except everyone who wants to sell a Reaper or Duck, they'd all be fucked.
  7. If you can't grab that PC in one minute and bring it to your base at mach 3, you're obviously a Green. Git gud. No, but seriously, I've been saying for a long time that all heavy-item final stages are poorly designed, with far less time than is necessary. In general there should be enough time for, One team to get at least one item into a car. That team to drive it as close as possible to their base. Get it to their point and deliver it. The other team to have a chance to make a comeback. As it is, you're basically lucky if someone in the mission gets past step 2 of my list.
  8. What? How do highlighting crosshairs have anything to do with aimbots or hitbox highlighters? Holy crap, what in the world is your rig that you're concerned by the added gpu load from this popup?
  9. if you make a lot of stuff yeah, but most people just put like 20 of the same thing up x.x Maybe you're right, and I don't search the MP much (because you really can't) but I don't think I've ever seen someone with 20 of the same thing up. . . . . . because there's no reason to do that. You'd need to sell almost one copy an hour, and since it takes so much freaking time, and there's no benefit, it's just a bad idea. I've yet to see someone quite that dumb, but maybe you're right.
  10. 50 is not too much if you're someone who actually makes shit, lol.
  11. The first car meetup where showing off customization isn't even on the table, nice.
  12. Oh oh oh, sorry, apparently I'm bad at reading! Then it'd be fine I guess, but certainly isn't the first thing I want. . . but then again, I don't buy JMBs.
  13. I liked it, it got me on and gave me something to do.
  14. Under cars isn't through a solid object or anything and should work IMO, through smoke is a little silly though. . . . wooden fences and the like are a whole different story, but I think anything you can shoot through without piercing should really should just be re-worked to not be visually solid.
  15. I don't think anyone thinks getting a red crosshair through smoke or solid objects is good, but that doesn't mean the system should be removed entirely. And the downvote's not a bad idea, it reduces the number of posts that are just, "no, you're dumb."
  16. Yeah, if we had this and a search function, maybe the MP would actually be useful.
  17. In a game where you character can be basically half the height of their hitbox, you can't not have the crosshair change color, lol. Honestly, if triggerbots are the best cheat people, then I don't really care that much; they're not really that bad. I'd rather have a feature that makes the game more fun for me than worry about a few triggerbotters.
  18. Are you not aware of how many times this has been explained to Murk?
  19. I see that you've run out of constructive things to say and are only into forum bickering now. If I misunderstood you, that's my fault, but furthering this line of conversation will only derail the topic. I wasn't aware that just because I swore a few times everything I said was invalid, nor was I aware that talking literally about the topic of the thread was off topic. My bad. I said a lot that was constructive, just because I bashed you a few times doesn't mean everything else I said isn't legitimate criticism, but hey, I'm cool ending it here too.
  20. Huh, it's almost as if there's a tradeoff where you can regen more easily in the middle of a fight but you're fucked if you get hit by a something high damage like an HVR or conc? It can't be that that was purposeful, can it? Like I said, sure, whatever, make the default regen whatever the fuck you want, just let me also have a mod that gives me the current CA3 stats. Your suggestion on default regen speed is purposefully a sidegrade from CA3, and there's no reason with what you're saying to not also let people use current CA3 stats. CA2 is currently viable, in fact at least as good as CA3 IMO, and making CA1 viable by making it do the exact opposite of what it currently does is not really making it viable, lol. Honestly though, if you really think that CA3 is as necessary in the current meta as you seem to be saying, your suggestion would make all levels of CA not viable. If I didn't want Kevlar to be viable in APB I would have said I don't want Kevlar to be viable in APB. Can you find a place where I said that? No? Then stop putting words in my mouth. If I didn't want Kevlar to be used I would have proposed it be removed. APB doesn't have a low TTK. Guess what else takes a split second? Aiming, reacting, getting behind cover. A split second is the difference between life and death in so many scenarios in APB. How many times have you had the last shot you needed for a kill play its audio and visual effects on your screen but your computer was just a few milliseconds behind the server so you died? A tenth of a second is a huge difference in TTK in APB, and you're proposing a mod that increases TKK on some guns by over half a second, or 75%. That means someone can almost put enough bullets into you to kill a normal character and you'll still have enough time to react and kill them without even taking cover. That is entirely contrary to an even remotely skilled game and definitely against the gameplay of APB. First off, that's not true because you can take damage from other things, E.G. falling, that are mitigated by the current Kevlar 3. Second, most guns in APB do under 300 damage, so Kevlar 3 currently affects the TTK of almost every gun in APB. Variety is great, but making APB into World of Tanks isn't. No, it's a stupid change because it's arbitrary in its effect to every gun. You can't tell me that you actually think it's alright for a mod to have a 25% difference in effect on guns entirely not by design, but by how it arbitrarily effects guns with different damages. And it's not like saying you can't play the game because every weapon is different, because every weapon is different on purpose, and you know that, and saying otherwise is disingenuous and stupid. And having to "get used to" not using certain guns against Kevlar because certain ones just arbitrarily, not for balance reasons but essentially because of random chance, don't function as well against it, isn't something you should have to get used to. What are you even saying here? You know what, don't answer. When there's a difference of 0.4s, yeah, that's kinda' a pretty fucking big benefit: that's half the normal TTK of the .45 AP. With 0.4s you have time to carefully aim each of you 6 shots and still probably end up faster than the FBW. I never said that, in fact what I did say very specifically was that they should rework the downsides of Kev instead of increasing its benefits, but you know, that would require you reading what I said instead of just concentrating on misreading one or two sentences.
  21. Lol, the idea of getting three rewards at a time. I'm not so sure I wanna' spend like a half an hour opening 120 JMBs or some stupid shizz.
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