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Everything posted by Nanometic

  1. I'm sure there are plenty of games which use battleye and aren't on that list and incase you haven't noticed, APB had a fairly small playerbase, its not exactly a well known game. Also I'm pretty sure battleye doesn't have a trail version. Its an anticheat not netflix.
  2. Please don't spread misinformation. They don't protect cheaters by preventing name and shaming, they do it because it brings nothing but toxicity. Battleye isn't on testing mode, it is actively banning. The symbol thing is kind of your own fault, its well known where they stand on full frontal nudity. I doubt that 7 day ban was for calling out a cheater. Finally, your money entitles you to nothing. I have seen you posting all over the forums saying apb is a dead game. If you feel this way then leave, don't act like a spoiled child and try to drag people down with you.
  3. i waited for a solid 30 seconds to see the impact ur getting a downvote for this Better?
  4. I don't remember asking your opinion. You sound like you're trying to cower your patootie, just get banned already. If you don't want peoples opinions, don't post on a public forum.
  5. If it gets removed, ill keep posting it. I don't mind getting banned. this game is a waste of time with these blatant cheaters that never get banned. Or, you could not waste staff members time having to deal with you so they can deal with the games actual problems. Its frustrating, we get it, losing to someone, you're convinced they're cheating, it happens. If you do have solid evidence, record, screenshot and submit it to support. I'm sorry but posting like this on the forums wont get you anywhere. Good luck in your future endeavors.
  6. LO mentioned they want to make progression changes, I can only imagine that would also encompass unlocks from progression.
  7. Doubt they'll change the district caps, they've been mentioning they want to implement district phasing(after going to UE 3.5) which would make increasing the district population cap pointless.
  8. EU has been fine for me, can't comment on NA.
  9. A shotgun can fire a single shot, its called a slug round, doesn't make it any less of a shotgun. "The Stabba less than lethal shotgun fires a custom made electrical dart that can stun a target at medium ranges, though it will lose it's charge quickly over range. Initially shelved due to accidental deaths during testing, this weapon has been brought back into service after protocol changes deemed the percentages acceptable."
  10. It is a shotgun, it just uses a tazer dart? Or something like that.
  11. Surprised no one mentioned the swarm yet.
  12. On the topic if the strife. I think it has the potential to be a total monster if this next patch is significant enough.
  13. This info is incorrect. I don't have the stats on hand but i know for a fact the csg is 65 not 55. I believe the jg is 72 but someone feel free to correct me.
  14. I think it depends on your situation. I play asylum alot and the jg is just superior over the csg there, but, in mission I'd prefer a csg, especially on attack over defence. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Now on the topic of hitreg issues, I've experienced worse hitreg with the csg over the jg.
  15. Without a doubt, they will be touched. Prices will change as a side effect.
  16. Not bad suggestions, but, try using the search function in the future, you'll find lots of threads already like this. I'd suggest this one.
  17. This thread makes me uncomfortable. Go on.
  18. Every game dies eventually In terms of its longevity, If you give the roadmap a good read it'll give you some good insight into this. Adding to this, if LO does a "relaunch" after upgrading to UE4 and properly advertise the game(e.g. sponsoring streamers to play the game) I believe the games population could go on the rise. In my opinon, LO is approaching this game with the correct amount of caution and addressing problems in not only unique ways, but effective as well. The reason APB died and decayed so to speak is because G1 never updated/released anything substantial in their last year(s), the game became stale in its broken state thus the players left gradually over time.
  19. Nanometic

    Snow in San Paro

    Thunderstorm would be pretty sick, I imagine weather effects in general wont be considered till after the EU.
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