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Everything posted by Nanometic

  1. i feel sorry for you That makes two of us.
  2. That second part wasn't directed at you. If I shoot someone center mass 3 times with a showstopper, even at that range, they should be considerably hurt.
  3. Blood splatter is client side and doesn't check with the server. The hitmarker would trigger even if only one pellet landed, and is thus effectively useless for shotguns. Correct, meaning it was a hit reg problem. Also I never mentioned hitmarkers, but okay?? The first three shots alone should've 85'd him, have you used the showstopper before?
  4. You can quite literally slow down the video and see the pellets hit, in no universe does the amount of pellets hit equal 32 damage. Quality shit posting tho lads.
  5. Pretty sure this is shitty hit reg. Just never experienced it that bad before.
  6. I'm sure they'll get round to debundling the vest too, sure its kinda backwards.. But hey, at least they put a warning.
  7. Oh, so I found the account page Also has a G1C purchase history.
  8. You could buy it as a criminal, so if you had the impact vest and wanted the shoulder pads only from that pack, well, there you go.
  9. Lets not make ltl worse than it already is. Its got it rough enough as it is.
  10. There is no such thing as cheats in any game ever. Fake news. #PapaBless
  11. Depends? shredder? Yukon? ehem pay to? Not exactly, those were rushed/poor balance changes and a bug. P2W usually means its implemented in those states intentionally to make a profit. Side note: both those guns are fixed now, so.. rather pointless..
  12. The only reason I was considering buying it was because I thought the skins were glowable Glown't
  13. Nanometic


    Off-topic, but, You start at rank 5 on console? Wild. LO talk about Console and PC having differences, never really knew what they were, so you get different rewards for leveling, different stuff in the JT store? Okay then.. Why tho.
  14. Make a brick variant specifically for hard damage over health damage ;^0
  15. To be fair I almost always run bricks instead of nades, unless I come up against some proper sweat lords using yolos, then I return the favor. So standardly, cars are a pain in the patootie to me.
  16. I'm not talking astronomical amounts of reduction in health and nor to all cars, only those select few to stop people from using them in such cheesy ways. And its not "super easy to destroy cars" A steel platting 3 pioneer is literally a tank they can get for 100$. Even when you destroy it you then also have to, you know, kill the person who just drove from the moon to kill you, whilst getting shot at the whole time and still managed to get right in your face because their car is near impossible to kill on your own unless you feel like taking AV, which just isn't practical at all, and even then, they'll still probably manage to get within a good 5-10 meters before their car is dead. Alternatively, you could buff AV
  17. Seen this a couple times today on baylan, random radar tower spotted people with no radar tower near them, another update another thing broken, apb is amazing.
  18. Just make cars easier to kill, less health or something, I dunno, just spit balling here, car gameplay is such a boring part of the game and easy to abuse, reducing the health of those "meta" cars would probably fix the issue.. Probably..
  19. Hes not talking about the final stage tho, hes talking about the stage with the break in and drop off in a single stage with like 3 minutes or something.
  20. This totally wouldn't make car gameplay even more prominent. Why not just let us do objectives from our car windows whilst we're at it, slowly turn this game into rocket league. Did I mention I hate car gameplay?
  21. Or just split the break in and drop off into two stages.
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