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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. Just As if mouse event was the only thing people are gonna use I guess that works, that's kind of extreme though.
  2. Aren't you scared of having a lot of false positives with those, some mouses like A4Tech mouses , and Logitech mouses support full scripting languages such as LUA with the included software , this is going to be a very tricky thing to detect without getting normal players with it Also some legit and very dedicated players can pull off moves that are better than a casual players using those triggerbots/aiming aids , as APB's skill gap between players is sometimes incredibly big
  3. it is still totally possible, but it's good only in theory That trick is a ghost shot generator, one thing that people don't know is that it's heavily dependent on ping, let's say i have 200ms as a ping, if i shoot JG and switch weapons before 200ms has passed, it will end up as a ghost shot (you can also see that the ammo counter doesn't go down). You also have to be lucky enough with snub and land the shot on target, which means you have to track on point, and that's in CQC But all of that is a lot of RNG to pull off So in the end people would rather shoot twice with JG than try an insane technique that will work 10% of the time
  4. Thunder was clearly too strong for a secondary, it was competing with primary shotguns like CSG , now it definetely seems weaker, but not weak. I think people are expecting way too much from a secondary.
  5. seems way too versatile for a weapon that is so easy to use, i don't mind that it's noob friendly, but it's just that this weapon allows anyone to do good without any effort, i honestly think slightly more bloom is all atac needs, so people that just hold down LMB can't just laser kill you at 50m
  6. yeah all of the weird bugs and things all have been reported in the bugreport section, LO is focusing on the engine upgrade atm. But yes, it's funny that there's 4+ year old bugs in that section, that are still unfixed today.
  7. Thanks for the awesome Q&A matt, The first one felt liie you were still setting up, the second one was better But that last Q&A was really on point, it really felt like you were connected with the community on that stream and answered all the biggest questions straight foward, it is really awesome to know that the face of little orbit finally seems to understand and know the point of view of the people that have been playing and loving APB for years now. I was really pleased with it overall, keep the same pace, and approach, and you will end up with overwhelming positivity from the community pushing you towards sucess!
  8. i bet you if they didn't exist i would be drowning in money.
  9. I heard something about a worldwide pandemic that forces people to stay at home For real OP?...
  10. Let's hope RTX/16xx Super series Crashes are a thing of the past, that really stopped my friends from playing APB since they got their new configs
  11. kind of a weird thing to think of, but i honestly wouldn't be against it Thing is the more weird things we have like that the less sense the game makes, apb has a lore and should stick to it , (and yes i just contradicted myself i guess)
  12. I mostly meant more clarity, like more screenshots of the issues your guys are dealing with, how far the overall progress is, as you know, even if it's not representative of what's actually happening, people like to see more than just text from you, they want to see the work, not read it, that's why the apb 2.1 screenshots had so much attention, because they could see the progress of you guys's work Anyhow thank you for giving a word matt, and yes, you're doing an awesome job as the voice of LO, just doesn't always feel right as what you do is pretty much what the community manager should be doing. Thanks again, really appreciated
  13. But then why do the SPCT's exist, that's where it's conflicting, SPCT's are publicly known "special" people and can even have a fancy tag yet than can be themselves, but somehow GM's are not the same, im not saying it matters if we know their real identity or not, it's more that, they have to act so much different than a normal player, they can't do missions, they can't play, neither really be themselves, and always answer in a robotic way to questions almost.
  14. Hey, im Ketog, a long time player of APB I've been playing apb for years just like a lot of you guys here, and some of the people i met early in the game still play today and also are friends i can count on today. To all the long time players, have you guys realized how everything about apb is always hidden, or secret ? From how teams are managed, to development, and roadmaps , how the community always asks for things and never get an answer, or where actions are taken and the reason behind them is always blurry. One of my APB friends told me yesterday "Ketog, do you know why GM's always have to hide who they are, while you have the spct kinda guys in open sight and their fancy tag?" For all the GM's that have been in citadel, and talked to me, you guys know how much people appreciate when you guys are just being yourselves. I've always wondered, what's the reason , anything APB related has to always be hidden, in my opinion people are so much happier when they're open about everything: Imagine if players knew exactly what Little Orbit was doing on the engine upgrade, what they were planning what they try and what fails/works, LO never gathers proper feedback from the community always because they hide so much, Gm's , or team members always appear and vanish all the time and somehow get replaced, we never have any true contact with our community manager, and no one ever properly represents the player base neither LO themselves as a whole The day LO talked about RIOT every single veteran of APB knew it was about to fail, and a huge waste of time and ressources, but guess what, LO was too far in the development to stop, and they kept going on What if they told the community their interests into trying new things, and asking for opinions before any movements. Players wouldn't expect so much from APB content if they knew everything they see on forums is always Experimental. APB is a small game and it has a hard time living when managed as if it was a huge Brand. What's the real reason behind APB being so closed from the outside ? What prevents LO from taking a more Open minded path with APB, im sure having a PR person sharing all the work LO does on a daily basis, would bring incredible positive support for the game, rather than daddy matt having to do all the work himself. Anyway, i know this is not true for everything, but in my case, me being completely open about what i am, made me much happier, rather than wearing a mask and hiding things that i am unhappy with Now people like me for what i am, instead of a mask i wear all the time.
  15. Until today i still don't understand why people always ignore spread. As if an ogre with 100M range will kill at 100m...
  16. While it's true that all Apo weapons are meh, Oblivion is by far the strongest of them, and im guessing you're not even aware of it's special mechanic.
  17. not much more i can show here, not like that can't be done on live either Live:
  18. Just talking about my old 2014 accounts here, as a joke, don't worry i am not banned.
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