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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. having 0 slots variants is fair, even one slots as for the joker store, i think it's a bad idea well actually i don't really know, the guns are specifically priced to keep the players in the game, making them easier to obtain would probably make more people happy but in the end it would require less effort and thus less playtime lowering the playerbase. (tho, that's considering people actually care about joker store guns....) Ahem, i don't truly have a set opinion on your second poll, i just think the Joker store should be completely revamped . This suggestion here reflects perfectly my thoughts on how the joker store should be, it should be an armas alternative for loyal players, while of course keeping it's exclusives, such as the firebomb and it's other playermade vehicles. APB Innova had character bound guns for 30k Joker tickets if i remember correctly.
  2. Even if we can't get screenshots, i'd like to have a little update on it still, matt said he would try to show screenshots weeks ago on twitter but he didn't. I'd be nice to know where the engine upgrade is.
  3. The total prize pool is now 1 250 000 APB $ !
  4. what are you edgelords talking about ?
  5. My stupid creations as usual . Anyone wants to join us ? THE EGGSORCISM CLUB
  6. i see you guys you can't hide from me !
  7. Hi @Mina_ you're joining us ?
  8. Event powered by SocialWave and Criminal Lounge ! a new type of clan made to preserve citadel's community, and unite them ! learn more here. CarFight! Hello everyone ! Welcome to one of my bimonthly events, i call this one "CarFight!" yeah not very original i know... anyway let's get straight to the point ! What is this event ? Alright here's what you have to do here, basically you will have to get the starter car, (Macchina Calabria 127), a friend and a FBW Basically this will be a mini tournament where you have to fight to death! but as a team ! there's a few rules you need to respect. Every team will be of two people, one driver and a shooter, you, the player, will fight against another team with the same equipment as you do. Your team and your opponent will get into a mini arena where you guys will be able to start fighting when i say so. This will be the spot where we are at : (This is in waterfront close to the boat) What are the rules and requirements ? To participate to this event you will have to be an enforcer, as you only need the starter stuff, you can just create one, as the default car and FBW is all you need to participate . Here's the rules : -The drivers can only drive the cars, and can not leave the car, or use any weapon. -The shooters of each team starts the match inside their car, they can use their FBW, and leave the car if they wants to, no other weapons allowed. -Each team's shooter has access to field supplier, no other modifications/consumables are allowed. -One team wins when they killed ALL members of the opposite team (so when the driver and shooter is dead). What can i win and when will the event happen ? The event will have a prize pool of 2.000.000 APB$ ! the first place will get 55% of the prize so 550 000 APB$ The three best teams that didn't win will get each get 15% of the prize so 150 000 for each team ! ALL participants of the event will get a Legendary Donut which is a special item that you get for being loyal to my events, they will be useful for one of my coming events (which will probably be one of the biggest I've ever done). That event will be happening This Sunday at 18:00 UTC on Waterfront 1 Big thanks to Kristaina for being the main source funding the event! Also thanks to Zinnedine and Kevkof adding money to the prize pool ! See you ingame !
  9. This is not new, incase you didn't know this engine upgrade client got leaked in 2016 yes, that's 3 years ago already, since then a player made a tool to be able to move in the login screen. This engine upgrade client was in developpement since Reloaded Production times, and doesn't represent at all, what comming engine upgrade looks like or runs. Little orbit rewrote a big part of the engine upgrade, and the game probably doesn't look neither run similar to what you see on this twitch clip .
  10. Terribly skeptical about RIOT not gonna lie. APB is such a bad platform for the a BR like experience, we all know that if you play APB you play it because it's unique, but having a BattleRoyale like mode in apb, is one of the worst ideas you can think of, not only APB is late to the trend, but this will be a waste of developer resources. APB has nothing, good for such a mode, Bad weapon balance, bad game mechanics, bad optimization (most PC's can't run apb without problem), and of course a terrible new player experience, so I'm not even sure who this update is targeting to be honest. Seeing matt's plan on making this mode a big part of the game, i can only see this being a bad addition to apb, even tho it is content, the fact that it's completely dissociated with APB's lore and core concept, will make players feel like they're obligated to play this only for it's rewards and not for their enjoyement. As you probably guessed by my post, i don't like the battle royale genre, but here's the thing, me not liking it doesn't mean that i can't judge it, i don't like Fortnite, neither Apex legends, but if i had to play a battle royale, i would definetely go for a game that's meant to be one. RIOT, to my eyes, seems like a huge failure just waiting to be released, i hope i am wrong, but i honestly don't see anyone being attracted by such a mode in the current APB state. The only remotely good way i can think of adding this mode is when the engine upgrade is out, with the game in a great state (good balance, good netcode, lots of content to enjoy, and more), but not now. Oh, and both riot tests confirmed my expectations, an overall opinion that's about 50:50, and having mixed opinions on any game is a bad sign already.
  11. faster than the original creator @Fumiku :^)
  12. Hello people that follow me 398950702505918478.png , here's a thread made by @Easych talking about a sum up for our first year with LittleOrbit, there's a few threads times to times that i think are worth checking out, and this, is one of them, i hope i see some of you guys's replies there !



    1. Fumiku


      U better give us the direct link (for the lazy dips) <:^)

    2. Ketog


      lmao, sorry, i guess im kinda of mentally ill sometimes


  13. Hello matt, will we get the mails with all the armas stuff on the EU server ?, sadly onlu NA players have acess to all items while eu players don't . Riot test will be painful with only people using starts and the default cars
  14. Sum up since LO got APB : We got a new jokerbox with a gun called showstopper in it , basically a secondary shotgun There is a whole new gm team New forums New website Armas rework (tho still a bad shop to my eyes) Armas prices reduced by 50% and tweaked. New Battleye anticheat. All cheaters unbanned giving them a second chance. Trading system New support ticket system New epidemic event New SPCT team Gun balances (that literally no one asked for, and was very badly executed) the redhill ARG. (one of the coolest things that happened imo) New mode called APB RIOT teased Active ingame gm's. Actual engine upgrade work, and a code revision to replace Reloaded Productions's junky code. To my eyes, they did A LOT already, really a huge amount of work, while most of it isn't content for the game, it's a great baseline to start modernizing apb which is what it lacked for years and years. And the best part about this is, We didn't get any false promises, with reloaded productions, we got many let downs, too much of them, meanwhile with LittleOrbit, all the things they announced, they delivered it. Oh yeah communication, we all love this, while the communication is not perfect still, we got people from the devteam actually looking at the forums now, where all veteran players are, we know where there are issues, and they listen to us, in return we can also give them trust and see what they can do to improve. I hope this year is the year where APB truely gets worked on, on issues that have been there for almost a decade now and discussed countless times without any real answer... driving lag, weapon balance, optimization, matchmaking, threat, servers, population, player movement, game mechanics and of course, content. while apb terribly needs content, it also needs huge amounts of polish, that game truly feels old as soon as you touch it, and you KNOW that it's not a recent game when you get your hands on it. Honestly, props to LO for doing what they do, i hope they don't let us down, and keep doing as good as they did for the things to come !
  15. Uhm, we're friday in EU right now, is the premium comming at friday NA time ?
  16. Did you realize that you will get 2 weeks of premium as a compensation ? Did you realize LO reduced armas prices by 50% ? Did you realize that the g1c price got reduced last year ? Did you realize that LO is planning on making premium cheaper when RIOT comes ? Alright, it's okay to be frustrated, but sometimes you also have to look around you, because right now you're being unthankful to my eyes.
  17. this is probably the worst list i've ever seen,ither than memeing i don't see any pattern or sense in your list. Please @Kempington show us the real deal ! Kemp's tier list was made out with actual player advice and data. (also if you think nssw and fbw are bad guns, maybe you need to play a bit more of APB )
  18. Norsemen series ? Well i voted a complete rework. Honestly these guns had the meme status since they came out : and the featured playermade launch trailer that came with it basically showed how bad it is : On that video above, you can see how outrageously long the time to kill is, (don't get me wrong the statistical TTK is fine, but the actual average time to kill is much higher due to the higher number of shots needed to kill) Not only that but Norsemens came in with those weird magical mods, they restrict modding capabilities, they don't make any sense not fit with apb, who had the idea that introducing magical mods in apb was a smart idea ?. Oh and the odin, that gun is specific to a pack, and that pack, oh man, it's not cheap. the funny thing is those guns weren't popular since their launch because they were more expensive, and bad. Now to the more statistical side of things : Norseman doesn't fullfill any specific role well : It's not a great SMG due to it's high number of shots to kill, even if ttk is higher than average, that's not the main problem, the number of shots is, we all know that high STK weapons aren't popular, look at ACES Rifle, ACES Smg, Yukon, NFA-9, and there's a few more that i probably missed, all of those aren't popular because they feel very inconsistant . What's the point of using a CQC gun if it can't take care of someone fast and efficently. It's not even a good corner popping gun either, because even if you hit your enemies first, the gun is so weak that they can easly turn around, react fast enough to still kill your first . It's not good at being a longer range SMG either, it had horrible recoil and a bad spread which prevents you to do that, and for some reason Norseman has 32 meters range ... Any other SMG's is better at taking care of people more accurately while being faster, more consistent, free, have more modding capabilities, and actually makes you a good team supporter, and not just a weight slowing you down. Those guns have an awesome model, but that's all the good they have to my eyes, complete rework needed .
  19. And the day is comming ! sing with me guys !
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