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Everything posted by Szambi

  1. Didn't work for me the first time, it's fixed now.
  2. I'm tired of seeing 4x4s, Espacios and Pioneers. Some of the lower tier cars need buffs, 4x4 needs a complete rework, cisco needs maybe better handling or something to do with collisions idk Oen oll when
  3. I lease stuff from ARMAS almost every week and I'd say it is kinda worth it. All you gotta do is play one day in FCs to farm some JTs and then the rest of the week you can just play normally in mission districts.
  4. I mean yeah, now that the video has been seen by tens of people I can openly admit to that...
  5. Poopy-di scoop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-di-scoop-di-poop Poop-di-scoopty Scoopty-whoop Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop Poop, poop Scoop-diddy-whoop Whoop-diddy-scoop Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop
  6. Ohhh... I see... Happy birthday @SKay!
  7. Okay, but I swear to god people have only been using YOLOs SO MUCH for not more than half a year. Mobile spawn point was nerfed years ago. I just don't get it...
  8. What happened to the conc nades though? I rarely see someone using 'em nowadays even though there weren't any changes to any of the throwables. These days people only use YOLOs smh. I'm wondering what caused this sudden change of meta...
  9. It's not an issue with the person's GPU. I used to play on a pc that had radeon 7770HD with 1 gigs of VRAM and I had no trouble playing the game at 40 ish fps (with a8-5500, mind you). It's just APB being... APB.
  10. That's one way to get banned in APB
  11. I don't really know if moving DevilDog to that particular place was a good idea...
  12. Sorry, I somehow missed your point, apologies!
  13. There's a way to do that - you need to be standing next to the person you want to report or be in the mission with them. If it's a mission: 1. Click 'Tab' to show the scoreboard 2. Click on the player's name 3. Click the 'Whisper' button 4. Replace 'w' with 'report'. Similar thing goes for standing next to someone. This time instead of the two first steps you gotta press '.' (I believe) when facing them to bring up the interaction menu.
  14. Szambi

    Valentines LMG

    After the weapon balacing stuff that LO did, it feels much better to play with it.
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