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Everything posted by illgot

  1. a simple rapid fire macro does nothing but fire the weapon as fast as possible. You can set the macro to fire in perfectly timed intervals specific for that weapon, but that won't work. The input delay between the computer and servers basically makes a perfect rate of fire impossible to achieve. You end up skipping one or two shots. You can fire as fast as the weapon allows, but in APB that will basically max out the bloom to the point you aren't going to hit much. A rapid fire macro can help, but your skill level will be extremely limited and the only thing you will be saving is finger strain If you want to become good at APB you will learn to click when over your opponent and your cross hairs turn red (since most of the weapons are hitscan). A script can do the same thing as a simple rapid fire macro, but a script can do a lot more. A script written in say AutoHotKey can detect changes in the mouse colour to automatically fire for you like a triggerbot. You can also script it so that the cursor returns to a specific location. This could be used to automatically return the crosshairs to their original position in predictable guns like the HVR where the recoil (was?) always the same. So you fire the gun and the script returns the crosshairs back where you had the weapon. Hardware (gaming mouse) generally only uses simple macros that do not interact with specific programs though you can supposedly write more complex scripts if you know how, but it's not part of the basic software. How to tell the difference? Macro's don't help people win. People that rely on macro's have a very limit skill level and won't be much better than the average silver. A script user will have near 100% accuracy as what they are using is basically a triggerbot.
  2. Since ammo boxes have been introduced I came across maybe 3 nade spams and I can't remember them being successful.
  3. The issue with rapid fire macros is that there seems to be latency between your hardware, computer, and servers. Even though you have perfectly timed shots via the macro, your computer may not relay is perfectly and the latency between your computer and the servers will also disrupt the perfect timing in the macros. This basically results in shots being skipped.
  4. and give us 1 JT for every one you take away will I miss the speed and healing consumable? Yes. will I miss dropping a shield and using my Commander to shoot through it confusing my enemies? Yes. will I be heartbroken to see consumables taken out of the game? Nope.
  5. because they are bigots or 12 year olds that think they are being edgy. The majority of chat is pointless spam or trolling no matter what language is displayed.
  6. illgot

    Cyrillic is a problem

    it does. After maybe they can allow all characters for players names.
  7. all languages should be supported especially on the EU servers. I play on the NA servers and even I understand that every language is spoken on my continent.
  8. illgot

    Cyrillic is a problem

    is this mentioned in the bugs section of the forum? It's more of a bug in the report system.
  9. APB needs people too much to throw them away.
  10. I don't know if you are on the NA servers, but silver and bronze are the only two options. The population is so small there aren't enough people to fill a bronze, silver, and gold district half way. As for rank disparity I agree. Drop all mods and vehicles to rank 85 so the fights can be fair.
  11. That is the only option for the NA server.
  12. That's the attitude we look forward to from SPCTSA. Two whole districts to test 3 weapon changes in a game where we in NA have a hard time filling two districts during prime time... of course it failed. We barely have enough population for the regular game.
  13. The weapons accidentally being sent to everyone is a good thing (if their test stats are correct). I think 3 people were on the test district for joker.
  14. You mean like temporary weapons used for holiday events? It is not impossible and we barely have enough people for 2 full districts on Joker.
  15. They can man up and let the new players actually learn the game in peace.
  16. Would be better if they mailed everyone these test weapons to test in the actual districts. Splitting our all ready tiny population more is a bad idea
  17. A bronze rank 255 who remains bronze because they throw games isn't a bronze player. Even if the rank 255 has the accuracy of a bronze, they are not new players and have access to tools a new players won't see for months. If your account is more than 90 days old it should be blocked from bronze as a temporary fix until either a new matchmaking system is on place or the population increases. In the long run this will help with player retention.
  18. It will become more useful than the rsa series as it will have similar range, similar ttk, but a lot more forgiving. Unless the 3 shots from the rfp all fire at separate angles making it impossible to land all 3 shots on a target past 50 meters the rfp will be remain too powerful.
  19. Why not just have 'OCA Test A' and 'OCA Test B' in one test district. We may not have enough interest or population to test 2 districts just for one OCA change.
  20. And players with accounts more than 90 days old should not have access to the green/bronze district. I know matchmaking will eventually change but as a temp fix put new players in the green/bronze districts only and block accounts older than 90 days from those districts.
  21. Unless you are new to the game do you not see the issue here? You are causing the same problems you are complaining about. No matter how "bad" you are, no seasoned player should be playing in the bronze district against people who barely have more than the starting equipment and zero grasp of how the game works. By playing in an area in which you dominate (bronze district) you are driving away potentially new players so you can have your fun by stomping green-bronze threat players.
  22. ISSR-a are only 50 meters unlike what the "game stats" show on the range bar. I wish they would fix that. The only good thing about the "a" series is 3 open slots, but the lack of range basically makes it a lower tier than the Ntec (except hard damage).
  23. That is an excuse. You know the game better than the new players yet are happy to stomp them into the ground. When the same thing happens to you (what you think of dethreaters) it is a travesty and must be stopped. You have been playing the game long enough that you should not be stomping greens in the bronze district. You are doing the exact same thing you are complaining about.
  24. sad part is he maybe gold in the bronze district and other people are complaining about him as well.
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