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Everything posted by illgot

  1. It was probably an art intern, what are they going to do, work on code that professionals are already working on?
  2. That won't happen on Jericho because there are only enough people for 2 districts during prime time. Maybe 3 if we get everyone from FC to move over. Population is just too small. Devs need to keep trainee and bronze in the trainee districts while having one financial and one waterfront open without segregation. Spin up another non segregated district if one fills up.
  3. illgot

    FBW Reskin When?

    I pretty much main that gun and I kill people through doors, trash bins, crates, mobile shield. Last guy was an hvr user hiding behind a mobile shield.
  4. Not being accessible is not the same as pay to win. You should say "locked behind a pay wall" because pay to win means that said item is OP. The old "pay to win" moniker came from Asian games where the highest tier skills, equipment, and items were only available if you bought them from the cash shop. The meaning has changed but there is still a difference between "pay to win" and "locked behind a pay wall". Plus you can still get the Medusa which is very similar in the auction house. Both guns are pretty bad though so you aren't missing much.
  5. I wish they would just add more loyalty rewards. and the Euryale is the furthest thing from pay to win in the game. It's maybe low mid tier at best. None of the heavy LMGs can really complete against ARs diversity and mobility.
  6. I have seen less than 5 people actively dethreating in the last few months. This is pertains to golds in the silver district are constantly AFKing, refusing to help with the mission and/or intentionally dying and refusing to fight the opposition (running to the opposition to just die repeatedly without fighting back). The rest are players that just give up, the random low golds/silvers pitted against premade gold teams using voice chat. People who see no way to fight back, no way to win, and completely out matched going AFK happens all the time. This is not dethreating, this is realizing that the system just matched you way out of your league and there is no point in being cannon fodder.
  7. People like to blame the players but really this is all G1/LO's fault. There is no need for threat ratings in districts or to have 2 gold/silver/bronze/trainee districts up at once. Bronze and Trainee threat players should also not be pushed into the bronze district where silvers are often found. Bronze and Trainee threat players should be kept in the Trainee district for as long as possible. Why LO has not changed the current system, even to stave off losing new players who are immediately forced to fight silver rank 255s... just baffling. I do not care of there will be a new matching system 'later', the change should have happened immediately when LO took over and the longer they wait the more new players they will lose due to poor matchmaking and an ever shrinking population.
  8. the only change to districts that is needed is where Trainees and Bronze players should be assigned. Low skill players should be placed in the training district as long as their threat allows. They should not be assigned the bronze district until they become silver and when they drop back to bronze they should automatically be assigned the trainee district again (they can still freely go to any district if they choose). As for the bronze and silver districts, the threat assignment for these districts should be abolished as they are basically meaningless on Jericho. There are only 2 active mission districts on Jericho at any given time so they should just have one Waterfront and one Financial. Open up other districts as needed but not until the population hits max in a specific districts. Dethreating is not an issue. The issue is player perception and a tiny gaming population. Silvers threat players are a middle threat rating. When Silvers go against lower skilled players , they are gold threat, when they go against higher skilled players they become silver again. This is not dethreating, this is the result of having a population of about 120 players in prime time (Jericho server). There are not enough players to properly assign same threats so silvers jump back and forth. Actual gold players rarely lose enough threat to drop to silver. Actual gold players never go to bronze. Only silver threat players enter bronze because they ping back and forth between silver and gold threat due to this games tiny population. Place Bronze and Trainee players in the Trainee districts and remove threat restrictions for normal action districts. That is all you can do at this point since our population is tiny. Then if the games population grows enough it can have specific threat ratings on action districts, change it back, but not until there are enough people to populate two districts in every threat rating. The current system we have is made for a large population. Why it hasn't changed I am completely baffled at and is 100% on who ever owns the game.
  9. anyone that beats you is a "try hard" according to a lot of people in game. I find the insult funny... oh no, he's trying hard to win...
  10. Shouldn't wait until the ntec is adjusted and functions before calling to adjust a similar but different weapon. For all we know they over nerf the ntec, realize they made a mistake, then revert it like the the IR change.
  11. To me the ursus is like a scoped ntec but with a slot. I think it's pretty balanced as is.
  12. The Vegas 4x4 is the best in that list but you are stuck with just one if you buy it with JT. Unlike the Armas cars which you can duplicate for a couple thousand in game credits (negligible cost), the JT version will take another 10k JT to duplicate. This would only effect you if you ever plan on having multiple 4x4 cars with different aesthetics or mods. The weapons are always a good choice. My suggestion for weapon types is to get an explosive weapon. It is useful for doing AOE damage, invaluable in vehicle missions, explosive kill daily missions or removing campers. The standard hit scan weapons are useful but having unlimited access to a permanent explosive weapon is amazing in this game (compared to renting it for 25k every 10 days).
  13. The OP probably assumes that a GM works for LO and can relay the info of an attack to the proper people.
  14. when you keep getting more consumables you don't use and 1-5 JTs per mission every 4th or 6th mission, the daily cap will never be reached. It maybe that part of the issue is we are all mostly playing outside our threat, golds being in silver district, silvers in bronze, etc. Even if we were getting JTs every mission I don't think the majority of players are staying on for 20 missions a day.
  15. and unlike death you can be freed if arrested. That's like an instant respawn where you died. The current respawn system is the same for being killed or arrested because of the respawn timers being in cycles instead of based on x amount of time when you died like the old system.
  16. Max rank players just go where the population is. On Jericho there is only one district open to gold's so they use what ever silver district is open to them.
  17. If the radius is less than 10 meters you may be lucky to temporarily disable 1-2 vehicles. I would rather permanently disable 1 key vehicle per nade then temporarily shut a couple down and do little actual damage to people or vehicles. Vehicle play doesn't really bother me since I use a volcano half the time.
  18. this explains so much about why certain combos stun and why people jumping with Happy Landings 3 never stun themselves.
  19. They maybe useful if they immediately ejected all players out of their vehicles but with the current list of abilities I don't see a lot of use for them over concs.
  20. usually people hit so many things just driving from point to point 1 conc blows a nulander/pioneer. 500 damage is relatively easy to get from pushing NPC vehicles out of the way. He seems to want a 100% easy and effective solution to the NFAS, there is none, just like there is no one universal solution to countering any move in any game.
  21. this makes the gap even wider for LTL versus lethal. The only thing I can see being abused by LTL is if you are able to perpetually stun people (no cool down) instead of arresting them. I'm not 100% sure if there is a cool down for stunning a person continuously as they start to recover.
  22. Lethal and LTL used to have comparable TTK and TTS with RTW but G1 reduced lethal TTK while not reducing LTL TTS or in some cases making it worse.
  23. it disables the vehicle but doesn't blow it up. The ammo/spawner is disabled and acceleration is very slow. At that point it is easy to finish a pioneer off with either the primary or another grenade (most of the time they immediately catch fire because very few cars in APB last long before they take damage from crashes). I usually hit a car with a conc and shoot it a few times. When it can no longer accelerate well they drive like whales and are easy to avoid or finish off. I don't have an issue with people using vehicles + Nfas. I use my own car as cover a lot or just move into an area vehicles aren't a threat. Sorry Uhtdred, I guess vehicle + CQC weapon is just something you can't over come.
  24. Steel plate does nothing against explosives, only bullets. And you can disable a pioneer with one conc. I don't see how an nfas user with a car is an impossible move to counter but countering with your own car is useless. You don't even know the basics of the game or how mods work.
  25. I still use concs, I'm not sure I have seen many people on Jericho use low yields in the last year. They all seem to be using concs like myself.
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