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Everything posted by illgot

  1. The bounty system is there to balance missions. If one person or group is doing too well the bounty system opens them up during missions to interference to allow the lower skilled team a chance to complete an objective. Without it, a lot of lower skilled teams would never have the chance to advance and honestly the game would become pretty boring and predictable. The randomness of N5/P5s makes the game more chaotic. But if you really wish, you can always drop your Notoriety/Prestige by talking to a contact between each mission. If you are the type of player who can go N5/P5 in a single mission... well the bounty system was built to balance players like you.
  2. I'm a vet but have horrid aim. The only reason I can win missions is because I know the map and I can play smart. I'm also not above using Remote Detonation, my Volcano, or just constantly pushing a car that the enemy is trying to unlock until they blow me and the target car up (then I repeat until the timer runs out). The only thing I am above is running with an item. I'm a horrible player but I draw the line at running.
  3. back when the CSG was first released shotguns worked well. What changed about how shotguns worked from back then?
  4. would be cooler if Legendary weapons also came with a unique skin which could only be used as long as you have that legendary in your inventory. I don't mind not being able to reskin my legendary weapons but it would be nice to have the option as I really only use my Golden Skin.
  5. 10 meters. Have I not stated that enough.
  6. unless you have access to an explosive weapon without renting, the OSMAW is your best choice. It gives you an anti vehicle weapon, it gives you a weapon you can use against campers, it also gives you AOE damage which no other weapon in the JT store offers. All the other weapons are hit scan so they basically work just like every free weapon in the game. Nothing in the JT store will offer your tool box a diversity boost like pulling out an OSMAW without spending 30k every 10 days to rent one.
  7. I didn't have issues with HVR users even before the nerf. Quick swapping ones were annoying but not impossible to overcome. The only issue with the HVR was the ability to quick swap made other sniper weapons obsolete, especially since you could quick scope/quick swap before any of the changes. Why use the DMR, Scout, etc if the HVR did full damage with quick swapping. The overtuned the HVR was that it was a decent in CQC if you played right through 100 meters. That is basically no range limit, something that the NFAS, no matter how powerful, has considering it's limited range of 10 meters. So comparing the nerf of the HVR to a possible nerf of the NFAS shows how little you understand the two weapons and why one needed balance while the other is only good in a very niche environment and fine. The NFAS does not make other shotguns obsolete (at least it wouldn't if hit reg wasn't an issue for shotguns right now).
  8. it was broken from release and the developers admitted it worked better than it should have. Hence broken, and even if it wasn't broken, no secondary should work as good as a primary.
  9. Thinking that a 10 meter limit on range is equivalent to a 100 meter range displays how simplistic your thought process is and explains how it is impossible for you to counter an nfas. So you think a broken secondary should be equal to a cqc primary...
  10. Raw performance with in 10 meters, with in a niche environment and only against people who refuse to change their tactics. There are plenty of tools available at max rank (and they should be available to lower ranks) to counter an NFAS and if it is impossible then you may want to look more inward. The NFAS is fine for a shotgun with a range of 10 meters. HVR is not a shotgun limited to 10 meters.
  11. I like how some people refuse to use any tools other than their primary then complain that a weapon with a limit of 10 meters is OP. Do you flare a hallway and toss grenades? Do you use radar, do you block off an exit with your car and use rockets or OPGLs? You have all been here long enough to max out multiple characters but refuse to use basic anti-camper tactics and think rushing the point from the same direction solo is the reason the NFAS is killing you. I'm a horrible player when it comes to out shooting players, but I can out play others because I use more than just my primary.
  12. because lower skilled players can't counter the NFAS even though it has an effective range of 10 meters and can be countered with explosives, grenades, staying 10 meters from the enemy, a secondary weapon, even an LTL Stabba. The NFAS has one advantage, if you use cover it is great to pop out and kill people that get with in 10 meters of you. Other than that you are SOL if caught out in the open or more than 10 meters from the objective or targets. I counter the NFAS with my FBW or even Colby Commander (favorite secondary). I also toss grenades then charge the person after they get hit and take them out in CQC with my FBW. I consider myself medium skilled so the people asking for the NFAS nerf have to be lower silvers to bronze skilled.
  13. could by default, place bronze and trainee players in the trainee district instead of placing bronze players in the bronze district. Keep the threat restriction in place for the trainee district. Then remove the threat listing/restrictions for the rest of the districts and just hide people's threat. On Jericho we barely have enough to fill 2 districts (not counting the trainee district) during prime time so we certainly do not need 1 threat rating of every Waterfront/Financial open at all times.
  14. Are the Halloween skins on Armas the ones that have that constant bright glow of the pulsing glow?
  15. it's just to try and give bronze/trainee players a place to learn without being put against silvers and golds. we need a way to retain players long enough for them to enjoy the game instead of being rank 15 going against a fully equipped rank 255.
  16. I wish they would hide threats and take away threat restrictions on all districts but the trainee district. Our population is too small to have 1 of every threat segregating the population. Put all Bronze and Trainees in the trainee district by default and keep them there until they turn silver.
  17. what is the new radius. I had to find out using my car as a marker years ago but can't remember any details.
  18. Best way to test this is spawn a car and drive it 115 let's out and shoot it. I did this test years ago before the wind up time existed so not sure what it is currently like.
  19. Satanism by mainstream... you mean the same "mainstream" that blames violence in America on video games?
  20. would love to have a body suit as an option in game. Allow it to be considered "underwear" and wearable under all clothing. No wrinkles or bulging so very little sculpting. Basically this clothing item is like a full body spandex minus the head. This would allow players to create any number of outfits like full body tattoos, superhero outfits, or just supplemental to blend in with existing clothing. You can sell the same suit multiple times by selling different textures like matte, shiny or leathery. Even sell different versions; one a full body covering even the head and face, one exposing only the face, another exposing the head, hands, and feet.
  21. because our population is small and shoves people of low skill against people of high skill. It looks like cheating to lower skilled players and they give up. Plus the game runs like crap.
  22. Those aren't real gold threat players in the bronze districts. Those are silver threat players who are only gold threat when they go against easier opponents such as bronze or low threat silvers. Because our population is so small it is hard to have a balanced game in 2 districts so silvers often gain gold threat in the bronze district because they are facing easy opponents and drop back down to silver when faced with others silver and gold threat players. Real gold players are never found in the bronze district because they don't lose their gold threat nor do they have to dethreat and join the bronze district to win games.
  23. You end up with a power creep that is harder to fix than just balancing all weapons. This is coming from a person who has been around since the release of the Whisper and CSG
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