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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. You do have a point. Lately it seems Jericho silver dist is mostly silvers. Dark days indeed.
  2. come on man... I worked really hard on that. at least give me an "lol"
  3. Dethreaters are human garbage. Silver is a ghost town only because these pussies continue to dethreat. Bronze is also a ghost town because these pussies have driven off nearly every single new player we get. I'd ban you all if given the chance.
  4. Its not p2w unless the weapon is better. Its really p2flexyouspenttoomuchmoneyonthisgame.
  5. Its true that we wont know how it works until we get there. I am nervous as well.
  6. The hope is, phasing will solve this problem. I dunno if it actually will, but that is the hope.
  7. To be fair, that's not that much money... speaking as someone who has dropped like $5,000. That being said, I have the Euryale on 3 accounts, and I never, ever use it. Its just not that great.
  8. That is entirely up to those doing the attacks.
  9. Because it has nothing to do with whether or not you have traded before.
  10. Like when you show up in silver district and go SNR only until you drop back down to silver?
  11. RTX owner here. As I understand it, the issue can only be fixed in two ways: 1) Nvidia releases a driver specifically for our problems 2) APB moves to 64-Bit My biggest issue was OOM errors (Out of memory), this was largely fixed by not running the game on max graphics, and by not switching districts when playing. I know its crazy that we have to do this, and Im not defending the situation, just trying to give help.
  12. Don't you also play in bronze? What is it with the hypocrisy today?
  13. Imagine being something like an 8 year veteran of the game, bragging on the forums how you find the golds in silver district easy to fight, having admitted just days ago on these very forums that you purposely manipulate your threat in order to stay silver so you can play in bronze district, then deciding to make a thread complaining about golds in bronze. This is the most impressive example of self delusion Ive ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourself Hexerin.
  14. Very cool. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
  15. Only thing under me is my shit bucket. #realgamersuseshitbuckets
  16. I not only pay attention, but have direct access to LO staff. What you are saying, simply isn't true.
  17. Like you, I have no idea who LO punishes, or how.
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