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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. oh god me too need to get me one of these... just gotta decide if its worth having my wife leave me:
  2. Game is already "dead" and those of us left cant save it. We either re-design in order to be a game that people want to play, or we die.
  3. I dont know of overall skill, but I'd love to see scrims between the best of both.
  4. Ive said it once and I'll say it again... If you think a gun is OP, make video of you using it and dominating. Cuz if you can't it's not OP.
  5. Bruh, they obv don't want to play missions or FC, so what difference does it make that they want to hang in social? Why should they not log in at all? You high?
  6. The m1922 has a curve mechanic applied to vertical recoil so unlike other guns, the longer you fire the worse it gets. I don't think people have a problem with high recoil, but its the exponential recoil we don't like. I literally don't have enough mouse pad to fire an entire drum.
  7. They were pretty fun. I logged more hours per week during those events than I had at any other time playing.
  8. We had like "Get 500 kills in a week" and the rewards were like armas selector items and shit was pretty fun, especially the weapon class specific kill ones. (get 500 assault rifle kills, etc etc)
  9. I love this idea. When I used to do the MP it was 50 symbols a day every day... people SHOULD be able to ignore and not have to view my stuff if not interested. If its tied to the ignore lists... I might actually put names on mine.
  10. Laughs in having bought the Juggernaut Pack 3 times. No wait, not laugh, cry... Cries in having bought the Juggernaut pack 3 times. Yeah, that's more accurate.
  11. Make the rewards go to the new account instead of the old.
  12. fuck, I meant to elaborate on that, but got distracted. I'll do a long post tonight on my thoughts regarding the tutorial.
  13. I kinda feel like if you have a full ignore list, you might be the pleasant fellow.
  14. Isn't the very idea that anyone dressed in middle eastern style clothing is automatically role playing as a terrorist in itself racist? Imma toss this one to @NotZombieBiscuit... they're much wiser in the ways of the world. Anyways I'm gonna go play some APB. I need need to get in a few hours of murdering people before I go to bed.
  15. I completely agree. Imagine spending all that money only for having spent all that money to become a problem. It's a pretty insane situation. I have no idea why the cap exists or if it can be upped, but it would be hard to argue against an increase in space.
  16. While I do not agree with your specific suggestions for the gun, I would also like to see it looked at.
  17. Sounds like its time for some giveaways.
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